Chapter 52

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Elijah's prov

Protrolling around my village making sure there are now armys ready for attack i stumble upon a women and teo wolfs.

She is injured her side is pretty cut up and she has stuff with her i look at her and see how beautiful she is.

I put her bag intot the sack along with the bow and quiver full of arrows and tie it shut then place it on my back i pick her up bridle style and feel sparks when i touch her it surprises me so i nearly drop her but i don't luckly.

I bringg her to doc he takes care of injurred people in the village i knock on the door and wait he opens it "Elijah whats that matter?" He asked concerns i lift the knocked out women in my arms and his eyes widen.

He ushers me inside "Put her down on the bed" he told me he checks her pulse and other things but his brows knit together.

"Her pulse is steady and strong she should be fine but the marks on her body it looks like she was tortured" he told me i felt anger ride inside me but i pushed it down.

"I have to do a full examination of her i will have to asked you to leave the room" i nodded my head stepped out i sit on a chair and wait.

He comes out half an hours later looking angry but sad at the same time he sits in front of me "She has been tortured and raped but the rape happens a few months ago from what wounds look like she is a strong young women i will get you when she wakes up" he told me i nodded my head and left the house and went back to the wolfs i brought bandages and cleaned there wounds and bandaged them up.

"Elijah what are you doing?" Olivers voice rings out from behind me he is my best friend he comes to see what i am doing and his eyes widen.

"Your helping wolfs what are you thinking they could attack and kill any one of us" he scolded me i just shook my head at him.

"They won't i found a women with them shes pretty beat up as are these wolfs so i am sure they won't hurt anyone unless provoked" i told he nodded his head.

"Ok i take over potrol tonight get some rest" i nodded my head

I went home and looked in my mirror i have jet black hair with grey ish eyes and a burn scar over my left eye my skin is tanned and my body is to die for as some women have said byt my scar puts women off me.

I sigh and take off my shirt and lay down on my bed i toss and turn for a while then i finally get to sleep.

Kita's prov

I feel pain everywhere it feels like old times when i got beaten by the pack back in the other world.

I groaned and slowly sat up keeping my eyes closed i feel my wolf is with me and i am greatful for her then i open my eyes to see a man watching me from the door way he looks to be in his 40s from what i can tell.

I open my mouth to speak but all that comes out is a queak my eyes widen and my hand flys to my throat the man brings me a cup with water i take sips of it.

"How did i get here? And who are you? Also why does it feel like i was beaten to a pulp?" The questions fly out of my mouth and the man pulls up a chair next to the bed i am i scoot away a little feel unconfortable "One of the villagers found you and brought you to me i am a doctor and you where badly bruised up when he found you" he said to me.

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