Chapter 45

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Hank's prov

Its been a week since Reduko brought kiki here and she is settling in fine with the other wolfs other than the colbolt.

Reduko has found another female as well as kiki and kiki seems to like everyone and thats great but since reduko has found his real mate she will be mateless and she will leave us.

"Hey Hank can you come here for a second?" Wayne said

"Yeah sure be right there" i said went to him outside of our hut and looked to were he was pointing colbolt was playing with kiki and acting like a pup.

The villagers stop to watch him he hasn't been this playful since he was a pup.

Kita's prov

I am playing with colbolt because its fun and hes having fun we play wrestle and then i get off him and run around he chases me i jump and show him my stomach we both pant and lay down next to each other to catch our breath then he drinks from the pool of water as do i.

He lays down and starts to fall asleep i look to the villagers who look at us in awe i trot over to the man i later learned his name is Hank sit in front of him i put my head in the crook of his neck and give him a wolf hug that way he hugs me back i think knows i will be leaving in this form but shpwing in mu humam form.

"Good bye girl your welcome here when ever you need a placw to stay" he said into my fur i pulled back and licked his cheek and he chuckles.

I turn and run to the way red brought me in a week ago then stop and look back at hank he howls at me i howl back as a good bye and run i keep running till i get to the place where i hid my bag i put on my white bikini and skirt in tied on then re hide my bag.

The desert is where i escaped from the slave traders and is where the army is for bremmel i run through the desert and find the amry camp i escaped from then i make my way around the camp and run around the desert only to find another army camp only rhis one is full of barracles soldiers.

Sneak away from the camp and make my way back the other camp only to hear a voice say something that surprises me "You knpw the slave traders that lost the girl have had some new shackles made and are looking for her around where they picked her up as we speak" a mans voice said.

I didn't stay to listen i ran through the desert back to where they picked me up to find a cage full of people and the traders by the camp fire there is only 5 this time though.

I make my way around them and smeel the air there are at least 3 more of them but where are they? .

I walk through the jungle smelling the scent of one of them i follow the scent and find the man not that far away from me looking the other way i slowly walk backwards standing on a twig.

Inwardly cursing my self i stop in my tracks and the man turns to me he lunges at me and knocks me down "Guys i got her" he shouted 2 other men came running and one of them hit me with something my visoin became hazey.

"That will keep her out till we reach the slave camp" i heard one of the men say as my visoin turns black.

I slowly begin to come to my vision is blury and is starting to clear up i look to see im in a cell well from the ceiling it looks like that i slowly sit up clutching my head and groaned "Got what did they hit me with a bag of bricks" i commented.

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