Chapter 41

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Miles prov

I feel so guilty for hurting Kita and i am surprised she even had more power then she shows that women is full of surprises.

Kita's prov

Waking up to something wet nudging me i slowly open my eyes to see snow hes up and very handsome wolf for sure.

"Morning snow you hungry?" I asked him he whined i got up and gave him the last of the meat in the sack and i ate the last loaf and cheese.

I look at the map i bought and its an up to date one i has the village i made on it as well i look at where i am and where i need to go.

There is a village harbour in the east just pasted the elfen kingdom and the dwarf kingdom as well the map
Is a bigger than my last one so it shows kingdoms over the seas as well the one over the eastern sea is call kingdom of Premel it also shows villages.

Hear i howl and Snow replied to it with a sad howl i look at him it must be his mate i can't keep him from her "Snow go to your mate i will find" i said to the wolf he looked at me for second then licked my face i smiled at him and he ran out of the cave.

I gp through all my stuff the two bags i made are pretty good but one is larger than the other i put the things from the hidden compartment of the small bag to the big one i got the the cuffs and shackles i had made with the keys i tie the keys together with the spare leather string i made and put the shackles and cuffs along with the keys in the hidden compartment with the two long chains i grab my full body suit and put in the comaprtment with the daggers and the mask then i get the sewing kit and put it on the wooden box in the compartment along with all the rolls of string i bought then close it up.

I open a chest to see its frabrics one i pull out the leather and make 4 large pouched i go to the gold chest where the two large sacks og gold are and fill the pouches the sack of gold i opened is now empty leaving just the one sack of gold.

I put the pouches into the hidden cpmpartment then i look through the stuff i have left i pack few silk frabrics gold,purple and 3 red into the compartment leaving the other frabrics i don't need i put all the foundation in to the compartment then close it up.

I put in the leather out fits into the bag all with the boots but one red one and the red boots i put the leathe pants on over my spandex shorts and the leather top over my soandex tube top then zip it shut i put on the red leather boots then i zip up my big bag.

I am wearing the leather atring with my ring around it but its tucked away i take off the chest with the gold and hide it then i put on my belt i made the one that looks like a airplain seat belt.

I make some leather belts and put them into the small bag then i out the spices into the bag then i pack my fingerless gloves and shut the bag i take both the bags and hide them in the cave.

Then i grab the small pouch of gold i left out it has 5,320 gold in it and tie to my belt i grab the sack of apples and put it down away from the cart then i hop on the cart and drive to elfen village i sell everything on the cart and the cart its self to down grade to a smaller cart that can still be pulled by a horse i also bought a potion that will stop me from having a kid after what i have been through i need it along with 423 pads also some horse feed and a water skin.

I make it back to the cave and put a drop of wolfsbain in the potion to be sure it works i take it and out a pad on my spandex it helps then i put the chest on my small cart then i Put the bags on the cart i pack the pads into the small bag and close it completely after that i grab the sack of apples and put it on the cart.

I feed the horse two apples and give it some water i look at the map and where i am going it will take 3-4 days to get there by foot but 2-3 by horse and cart.

I set off on the raod i drive for two days straight only stopping to rest then to feed and water the horse.

I make it to the village and its big and people are wondering around fold the map and put in my bag i look around and ask around for a ship to take me to premel the people i asked tell me their is a young captian in the boar tavern who can get me there.

I go into the taverns after putting my bags on my shoulders when i step into the tavern the women behind the bar raises a brow at me and i pull my hood down "Im looking for a captain Jame pimp" i said to the bar women she pointed to a man drinking with a group of men he did look young.

I walk over  to them and stand infront of them "What do you want women i am busy here" the captian said.

"I need to go to premel and i have heard you can get me there for a price" i told him he looked at me.

"Thats right for 1,000 gold" he said with a smirk i left the tavern and carried in the chest of gold and opened it his men looked at me in awe and the captain nearly choked pn his drink.

"Thats 10 times the price i told you" he said in surprise i rolled my eyes at him "I need you to take me to premel and if you do this money is yours thats is all im asking" i told him he looked at me for a minute his eyes lingers on my wrists where the shackles were then he looked at my face "we have a deal" he said to me.

"Great when do we leave?" I asked him he snorted at me

"We leave tonight actaully Men lets go" he said i followed him to his ship and got on to it.

"You will have to sleep in a hamerk or the floor though we have no spare beds" the Captain told me i nodded i went to the side of the boat as we set sail i let my hair down the wind blew through it and it felt great.

"So why are you paying so much to get the premel miss?" He asked me i turned to him

"I need to get away from everything and everyone from here i have been through hell nd back since the age of 5 my life is not always this relaxing so when i have times like these i treasure it" i told him simply he looked at me with a raised brow

"So how old are you anyway you look like a kid" i said to him he chuckled at me

"Im 21 actaully" he said to me i looked at him with my mouth hung open hes the same age as me this is so weird.

"Your the same age as me well thats new" i said he just chuckled at me.

He moved closer to me and i scooted away from him "Don't touch me or i will break your hand" i threatened him he looked at me with both brows raised in surprise.

"I will sleep out here tonight the cool air will help me from burning up" he nodded his head and went into the ship cabbain.

I had my cloak on i took off the leather top and pants along with the boots and out them in my bag after taking out my pillow and blanket and closing my bag i lay the blanket out and put my pillow down then lay on the blanket i stare up at the stars and start to drift off to sleep.

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