Chapter 50

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Herdians prov

Waking up to the sun shining down on me and Kita i open my eyes and look at her.

I have a feeling she has been through some horrible things i have noticed the scars on her body they are light ones but they tell a story of her past i don't think she is ready to tell.

She groans lightly then starts to open her eyes i look at her golden eyes with a soft smile i really like her.

"Morning sunshine" i said to her

Kita's prov

I start to wake up and feel a gaze on me i slowly open my eyes to see herdian staring at me with a soft smile.

"Morning sunshine" he said to me i blush and look away from him.

"Morning" i replied back to him i am have been starting to warm up to him and have feelings for him.

I feel the urge to shift but its been a long time aince i have shifted so its going to hurt i get up and stretch herdian looks at me.

"What?" I asked him confused to why he is looking at me

"Its nothing just amirimg your beauty" he said to me.

"Well i am going to go on a run if i don't keep fit then i will fail to fight anyone who is going to hurt me ot the people i love" i told him

"I will go hunting then while you go on a run" he said "yeah ok but put your wig on so if you run into anyone why won't capture of sell you again" he nodded his head and put it on.

Snow and ruby and lay mext to our stuff after Herdian picks up the bow and quiver full of arrows i turn to the wolfs "Gaurd our stuff" i ordered.

Herdian left and i stripped down naked and shifted it hurt alot i run to opposite direction from the way herdian went and find a stream i look the same but in stead of gold eyes i have blue and glowing.

I run around for an hour feeling the wind through my fur is amazing i run back to the spot where me and herdian stayed shifted to himan form then i went into the river next to us washed my self i dryed my self and put on my tube top and skirt.

I pack the clothes i stripped off earlier Just as i sit down on the cushion herdian comes back carrying a dead rhino  i smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"Looks like we will have meat to last us a while" he said to me i nodded my head.

"Let me cut the meat i have had a lot of practice hunting for my self" i told him i took out my sword and cut the rhino in to fine pieces of meat.

I leave slabs of meat for the wolfs that eat them hungerily as me and Herdian cook our meat on the fire.

"You know i have never met anyone like you before" herdian said finally speaking up as we cook our meet.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him confused sure im a werewolf but i not that different.

"Your kind, Smart, brave from what i can tell and i bet there is more to you then meets to the eye" he said looking at me.

"I wouldn't think that about my self i actaully use to have powers but i gave them to my half brother who needed them more than me i am from a different world from here i was born in that world but to find out this is my home land makes me happy because i met you and i will be able to meet my grandparents" i told him honestly he looked at me strangly for a second then nodded his head.

Once we finished eating we packed up its was 3 hours after daylight so we have the whole day but i inow he just wants to get home its weird me calling it home since i wasn't born there.

We are riding our wolfs to the village and herdian is leading the way he told me its hidden that only wild animald and out people can find out way back to it.

Herdian stops and takes off his wig and puts on his bag since i am not wearing mine i don't need to do the same i hear a lot of footsteps running our way then about 30-35 men surround us pointing spears at us Snow and rubby growl at them.

"Snow,Ruby calm your selfs" i ordered the wolfs using my alpha voice they stop growling and just look at the men.

"Herdian is that you?" One of the men asked Herdian laughed "Only you would reconize me Gellian" he said to the other man.

They men are staring at me Herdain and i get off the wolfs and grab our things the men watch me with the wolfs
I rub my head on theres and they do the same to me"Now go find a den to live in" i ordered the wolfs they gave me one last rub and ran to find a den.

"How did you do that?" One of the men asked me amazed

"They see me as there Alpha and rubbing there heads on mine i am showing them effection as they are when they do it in return" i said simply.

Herdian put is arm around my shoulders i turn to smile at him "You know cheif will want to see you and the women when we get back" Gellian said to Herdian he nodded his head.

We walked with the men to the village i saw so many people just like me and herdain but they mostly had herdians eyes we walk to a fancy hut and are made to stay outside of it.

"Lets hope they like me" i whispered to herdian he chuckles at me "They should like you" he told me sincerely.

A elderly man with a elderly women steps out of the hut they look at herdian then to me their eyes fill with tears as they look at me.

"Fonia" the elderly women asked  "I am sorry my mother died giving birth to me i had no idea i was from here till i saved herdian" i told them they looked saddened but then they smiled at me.

"Our granddaughter has come home" the elderly women said then she hugged me then my grandfather did the same.

"I bet i have a lot of explaining to do" i said they nodded there heads "looks like i better go home now" herdain said.

"Wait you leaving me?" I asked him "i am not leaving you because you will be able to visit me at my home anytime you like" he told me

I hugged him "Thank you for bring me here" he smiled at me then left with the warriors.

I was brought into the hut and told to is on a chair i did as told "so where did our daughter run off to?" Granpa asked me

"She some how went to another world met my father and they had me my father wasn't fit to be a parent he abused me and got the towns people to do the same anyway he angered another villages cheif and they had a war and during this war i ran i saw my father get killed before i left and i ended up in this world" i rambled my grandpa and grandma were surprised by what i told them.

"Well then we are glad your here with us child" my grandmother said

I spent the day getting to know my grandparents and stayed the night at there hut.

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