Chaper 20

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Kita's prov

I have been here for 5 months i have becomes a black smiths a prentance i have kearned how to make swords, Daggers, spears everything else i could think off.

The black smith man is called Mike hes a cool guy he said i am better than him when i comes to making weapons and other things.

Today was my last day their but i bought everything i need to be a black smith my self i am back in my cave melting down the metal arm that is not a 100% silver other wise it would of hurt to touch.

I maked a Brand new sword and sheath i test the strengh with my old sword and its very strong its thinner than the normal swords are i sharpen it well then i make 5 daggers with small sheaths so them they are smaller than normal daggers with smaller handles then last but not least i have enough metel to make Two spears one with a half sword on the end and normal one.

They are all very strong and in good condition i decide to melt down one dagger i made i carved put three animals the left sides of a wolf,Bear and deer and the right side of them i pour the metal into them made sure its thin so its not heavy put them together and they turn into figures.

I cut the theather into string i amke them into necklesses i even learned how to male paint i pained them and leave them out to dry them i cout them with oil so they paint stays on.

I practice my fighting with them all and use the target i build to throw daggers at i get it in the middle everytime.

The juoral i found has pictures of everything done to me as an outer body exsperience i have written what my father and the twom have done to me o just left out the part about me and the others being werewolfs and i wtoe what happened to them.

I even melted down am off nail i found and turn it into 12 hair clips after i looked through the juoral and wrote down what King travis and the princes along woth the two generals and a few nobles wanted to do to me and even wrote down how i escaped.

I take off my wig and hair net and put on my cropped top and skirt i hide my weapons and put one of my daggers into my left boot i broke the handle on my old dagger i grab my belt and put my new sword steath on the belt with my money pouch with 45 gold coins in it i make red lipstick and put it on my lips i make mascara do my make up with skill.

I grab my cloak and walk out of my cave i sniff the air their is nothing around for miles i run to the village i get to the edge of the road i pull my hood up and look around their is a large gabd of 15 men called the redhanded men its said their leader is a Elf.

I walk through the village and enter the town tavern they know Kuro very well but they haven't met me the leader of the redhanded men comes here and watchs me or shall i say kuro with 4 of his men.

When i go inside the men all stop talking and i go over to the Bar where Peter is he looks at me "I don't allow people to wear their hoods inside my tavern" he said

I unhook my cloak and take it off the men all stare at me i just roll my eyes "Ale and what ever the special is today please" i said placing a gold coin down.

I sat down at table in the right corner the men still stare at me i look around at them and i see the redhand men leader is not here yet "You can all stop staring i am here to enjoy a meal not get stared at like im entertaining" i said to them they all started talking again.

My food and ale comes "Thanks" is all i say i eat my food and drink my ale "Can i have a bottle of wine please" i say and pay peter again he nods and brings me the wine.

I pour it into the cup as soon as i place the bottle down the tavern door slams open revealing the Elf leader and 2 of his men this time everyone flinched when he did that but me.

He spots me and smirks he walks over to the table as i am finishing my cup of wine i put the cork into the bottle of wine and wrap my cloak around it he sits opposite me as do his men.

"Whats a pretty thing like you doing here?" He said trying to be flirty but failed and turned it to creepy.

"First off all i am not little nor pretty second off all go to the brothel and fuck those women because i don't fuck creepy,annoying guys" i said rudely everyone looked at my table with wide eyes.

"I have never met a women with so much confidence or has fire in her eyes" he said as he studies me i roll my eyes at him.

"Well if you will excuse me i will be going now" get up to leave and walk 3 steps before his two goons block my path.

"Stay and get to know me its will be worth you while" the leader said "No" i said i threw my cloak up into the air flipped over his goons landed near the door and caught my cloak with my head down i slip my hair over my head to see the guys jaws dropped and the leader looked surprised.

"Thank you for the food Peter Kuro told me about this place and let me say its very good" i said looking at a surpised bar tender he nodded his head and smiled.

I ran out of the tavern the leader and his guys on my tail i run faster and loose them in the woods i strip down and shift to my wolf and grab the cloak with the wine and my clothes and weapons,money and boota in it and run to the cave.

I shift back to human i smell the air and i am alone i pack up my Cart and i destroy weapon making area it looks beyond repair and it is.

I put the big chest on the cart along with the small sack with the mens clothing and the wig in it then went to the hiding place i grabbed the sack with my clothes in it and put them in my large book bag then i pack my mattress,pillows and Blanket into a large sack.

I put my daggers into my book bag aswell as my sword with my quiver full of arrows i out the bag over my shoulder then place my bow over my shoulder to.

I get on the drivers seat after hooking up the horse i drive oit of the cave and go through the woods and end up on the road to the village i go through it i drive for 10 days straight only stoppingg for a few hours rest and feeding my horse and watering him.

I find a cave and park up then take a look inside their is nothing but rocks a few flat ones round ones nothing has lived in here for a long time i go back to my Cart and gran the large chest i carry it in then i put it to rhe right side i move 3 large rocks with flat tops on them around the chest.

I grab my tool chest that has other things i made other than the stuff i found i made a better hammer, Smaller screws that i can screw into anything, i make 4 screw drivers 2 with a star shape at the end of them and flat ends one big start shaped one and one big flat ended one and two big ones of each, 2 one handed saws, some nuts and bolds that screw on a screw,2 hand turn drills a small one and a big one.

I take it and put it next to the larger chest that is already in the middle of the large flat rocks then i Get the two large sacks that were already on the Cart one is full off normal screws i can screw into wood with a screw driver and the other is full of nuts and bolts that are on the screws i place them with the chest then i hrab the sack full of all the clothes i made winter clothing,summer clothes for every season really and place that with the chest and other sacks look at space left their is enough room for a chest of two i grab a very large flat rock hiding the chests and sacks completely.

I drive the cart into the cave feed and water the horse ota night time now i set up my bed on the flat rock hiding my stuff i look through the book bag and see i left 3 outfits for a woman two in the bag and the one i am wearing i put it to one side and then i get the small sack with my disguise in it and place it with my clothes.

I lay down and look at the cave ceiling and feel my eyes go heavy i close them and i fall asleep straight away.

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