Chapter 8

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November 27th

The White House

Jackie and Provi packed furniture into boxes and clothes into trunks and hat-boxes. To Jackie, it was something she never thought would ever come. "Mrs Kennedy?" Jackie turned around. 

Clint stood there. "Oh Clint!" Jackie weakly smiled. "Excuse me Provi" Jackie told her assistant and she followed Clint into her bedroom. "What is it?" Jackie asked. 

Clint cleared his throat. "You know how you said you spoke to President Johnson about that whole 'bravery medal' thing?" Clint asked, trying to hide his smirk. Jackie nodded, before Clint reached into his pocket and pulled out a telegram. 

He cleared his throat before reading. The telegram read:

Agent C Hill

President L. Johnson has received word from former President's widow on a medal for heroic bravery in Dallas, on November 22nd 1963. Mrs Kennedy's request has been confirmed. You shall receive your medal on Dec. 3rd 1963. You shall be informed soon of more details.

G. Whittington

Secretary to the President.

After Clint finished reading, he folded away the telegram and looked to see a frozen Jackie. "Oh my God", her voice whispered, from shock and happiness. "Oh my God!" Jackie repeated, squeaking. Without thinking, she embraced Clint. 

Clint was shocked at her reaction but embraced the former First Lady. "Congratulations!" Jackie smiled when they broke apart. Clint shrugged his shoulders. 

"Well, it's all thanks to you".

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