Chapter 21

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May 27th

Washington D.C

Ethel looked out the gap in the curtains. She saw Jackie's car pull up outside the house and she saw Caroline, John and Clint follow up. Ethel walked quickly to the stairs and called up for Bobby. 

"Jackie's here!" Ethel called. There was silence. Ethel heard Jackie knocking at the door so she rushed to open it. "Ethel!" Jackie sighed relieved as she embraced her sister-in-law. "Oh Jackie" Ethel whispered before they broke apart. 

"How are you?" Jackie asked, her arms resting on her sister-in-law's. "That's not important. What is, is how are you?" Ethel asked. Jackie sighed. "I'm slightly better, New York is giving me a private life at last. Oh. How's Bobby?" Jackie asked, following Ethel to the bottom of the stairs. 

"Not well, lately he's been doing business and work in his room. I have to bring him food up on trays every night, as he's so emotional. It must be darn cold when it reaches him as it's prepared a floor down in another part of the house" Ethel exclaimed. 

Jackie looked at her sympathetically. "Would you mind if I talked to him?" Jackie asked. Ethel nodded smiling. "Sure go ahead". 

Jackie headed upstairs and went along to Bobby and Ethel's bedroom. She remembered the times when she and Jack lived here. And she was pregnant. Now she was pregnant again, except her husband wasn't here to rejoice with her. 

Jackie went to the door and knocked. She heard an emotional Bobby on the other side. 

"Who ever it is go away!" Bobby yelled. 

Jackie sighed. "Bobby, it's Jackie". Those words were the key. Jackie stepped back as Bobby opened the door and saw her brother in law standing in the doorway. His eyes were baggy and red from crying. "Come in Jackie". 

Jackie in her black dress sat on the edge of Bobby's bed. And Bobby took a seat in the armchair he had situated in front of the TV. "Hello Jackie". 

"Hello Bobby". 

There was a silence before Jackie brought up conversation. "How have you been lately? I've not seen you in a while". Bobby sighed before smiling weakly. "I've been okay. My emotions haven't been doing too well. I've just been waiting for you really". 

Jackie was confused. "What are you talking about Bobby?" Jackie asked. Bobby sighed. "I've been waiting to see how you've been. And how to cope". 

Jackie weakly smiled. "Bobby, since I moved to New York I've been doing good. The only thing that makes me the most upset person in this world is the fact that Jack can't be here with me. I'm having his baby and he can't even meet them". 

Bobby sighed, beginning to fill up. "Will Clint be supportive for you?" Bobby asked. Jackie nodded. "He said, he'll make sure as will I; that they know who their father is". Bobby nodded before his sister in law got up and took his hand. 

"Come on, put on your jacket and come downstairs. I'm sure going to the Cape will make you think clearer. It will help me too" Jackie said before her brother in law rubbed his eyes and threw on his jacket and followed her downstairs. 

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