Chapter 13

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December 25th

Arlington Cemetery

Jackie had snuck out around lunchtime to come here secretly. Despite the wishes of the Secret Service, she refused to have anyone accompany her. Not even an agent sworn to protect her. She soon arrived at Jack's grave. 

The architect Jackie had chose to design the gravesite: John Carl Warnecke had just completed his work and she admired it greatly. She climbed up the steps to the burial site and she looked at the three plaques. Arabella and Patrick had newly been interred there. "Oh" Jackie frowned, her eyes filling up with tears. 

She bent down and sat a bunch of red carnatians at her husband's grave. And then she put down some yellow flowers that John had picked in the garden. Finally, she blew him a kiss. "Merry Christmas my love" Jackie bubbled, several tears escaping from her eyes. 

"I miss you, and so do the children. Caroline asked me to give you this" Jackie said as she reached into her bag. Inside, she pulled out the letter that said 'Daddy' on it. She tucked it underneath the flowers. It hid it. "She says I can't read it, as it's for you" Jackie smiled and slightly laughed as she said this but she sobbed too. 

"Baby Kennedy is doing great. I can't wait for it to be born" Jackie rubbed her stomach as she spoke to her dead husband. She gasped before breaking down. "Oh God, Jack I miss you" Jackie sobbed heavily. 

She sniffed wiping away her tears. "And I know you may wonder, why I say this when I'm being courted by my Secret Service agent" Jackie laughed slightly. 

"But, he knew you. And he's willing to protect me and the children" she hesitated before continuing. "And I'm now Washington's new tourist attraction so it's the one thing I need in my life now". 

Jackie then gasped once again before breaking down into tears. She got down on her hands and knees and kissed the plaque. She sobbed and then stammered out the words: "I love you Jack". 

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