Arc 1- Black Knight

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“Click, click click……” The sound of tapping on a keyboard.

Scene locations, character appearances, character actions, and dialogue. 

On the computer screen, the number of words in the document increased until the final punctuation mark was typed. The black-haired youth sitting in front of the computer raised his left hand from the keyboard to cover his yawn.

“Wu……” Looking at the first draft that had just been completed, Gu Huai slowly lifted his hand and rubbed the tears that were in the corner of his eyes.

Gu Huai, as a screenwriter, had a resounding reputation in the industry. Since he’d entered the profession, he’d seized the trophies for all major awards. In his house, there were trophies of all sizes, each one representing honour. Sadly, these golden objects of honour were once rejected by their owner for occupying space.

The year was 2037 and the progress of making web novels into movies was in full swing. Gu Huai had just finished the first draft of the adaptation of a novel that was very popular in Jinjiang Literature City.

But finishing the draft was just the beginning, there was still a lot to refine and modify. That said, the youth’s head still drooped lower and lower, and before long, it was completely pillowed by his arm.

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A moment later, after the youth had just rested his head, a mechanical sound suddenly rang in the room.

“Beep—Sir, with all due respect, you can’t afford to take a break right now. There are only five days left before the deadline and you’ve run out of the number of drafts you set yourself this year.” The intelligent robot, created by advanced technology, entered the room with a cup of hot coffee and moved towards the youth.

2037 was an era when artificial intelligence had become relatively popular. 

“……” The rich scent of coffee floated over. Gu Huai’s right eyelid twitched. He’d programmed his housekeeping robot with a non-cancellable reminder function. Now, he couldn’t say if he regretted it or not.

“Well, I know.” The black-haired youth sighed and sat up again. His eyelids drooped habitually, revealing three-points of laziness.

The robot moved to his side and Gu Huai reached for the coffee the other had brought him, but right then, an unscientific, magical event took place—

The intelligent robot’s shining blue eyes darkened suddenly, as if it had lost power. Its mechanical arms dropped and the mug in its hand fell straight to the ground. 

The unscientific point was that the cup didn’t fall to the ground and shatter, but hovered immobile in the air.

“Welcome to the King’s Game.”

With a tone as monotonous as if someone was repeatedly pressing the same bass keys with the same intensity, this low voice suddenly appeared in Gu Huai’s brain.

The difference between the human voice and a mechanical sound was obvious. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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