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Gu Huai slept comfortably on a cold, hard pillow.

It was only natural that he would be hungry after such a long sleep. He woke up in a daze and felt an object pressing on his lips.

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Because of their sense of smell, the young Zergs lacked resistance to food they were fed. They would eat all kinds of food in their drowsy state. 

Gu Huai thought he was still dreaming because he had eaten meat. Since he crossed into this world, his food had been nothing but eggshells.

Shortly after chewing several pieces of dried meat, the feeling of an object touching his lips occurred again. This time, he responded quickly.

“Hmm…?” The young man was puzzled after biting and feeling the difference from the previous food.

It seemed a little wrong?

No, if he thought about it carefully, nothing seemed right ah… He opened his eyes, and immediately suddenly saw a pair of magnificent pale gold eyes. 

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His eyes were beautiful. Although they were a warm color, they lacked heat, like a sun that had fallen.

The owner of those eyes was very handsome. The indifference on his face contrasted with his vertical pupils, which produced an unusual aesthetic.

In his eyes, Gu Huai could see his reflection. Seeing his own reflection clearly, his body stiffened. At the moment, he thought seriously about whether he wanted to pretend to be sleeping, so he would not have to face this awkward reality. 

But Gu Huai also knew that his plans were unrealistic, because when he opened his eyes, the pale golden eyes were already fixed on him.

His fingers were being nibbled on. The silver-haired Zerg, who was normally indifferent, reacted, squinting.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The feeling came directly from his fingertips. Every time the young man tried to bite him, the tip of his tail, which was being used as a pillow, moved slightly.

Ktlr xlcv bo ylaf kjr gfjiis cba qjlcoei ab tlw, fnfc lo atf sbecu Ifgu yla tjgv fcbeut, la kbeiv cba tjnf mjerfv tlw jcs tjgw. 

Llr pjk kjr kfjx jcv atf rtjgqcfrr bo tlr affat kjr ilwlafv… Ciatbeut atf sbecu Ifgu lc tlr jgwr ibbxfv ilxf jc jveia, lar ragfcuat kjr cba fnfc mbwqjgjyif ab atja bo jc bgvlcjgs Ifgu qeq.

The higher the class, the stronger the Zerg’s ability. This was basically the  general consensus among the Zergs and even across the stars, but this logic was inapplicable to Gu Huai.

He was really weak. Feeling the random bites on his fingertip, the silver-haired Zerg lowered his eyebrows.

“Weak,” he thought without a change of expression. 

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