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The Zergs were invited to visit Mino Star, and now the whole Star Network were basically talking about this, and things were boiling. Even people who didn’t usually pay attention to StarNet knew this passively.

Originally, Mino Star had been very busy because of the recent Sieser auction. Now, people who were afraid of death or not were interested in Mino Star. 

For the goblins, it was free campaign, they hadn’t done anything yet the whole stars were talking about their race.

According to people on Mino star at that time, they said that they watched the Zerg warships land on the planet. But nothing happened after that, they were still alive.

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The Goblins, on the other hand, issued an official announcement that the Zergs had come to visit them amicably and stressed that they would be responsible for the personal safety of all customers who visited Mino star for trade.

They were on the same planet as the most ferocious and terrible race recognized by all the stars, but they were safe. At this time, people of all races on Mino star had an incredible feeling. 

The Sieser auction was only four days away. After the reception, Gu Huai told the Zerg soldiers guarding him that they could move freely.

It was hard to go out to play on other planets. Gu Huai thought that the Zergs who had been around him all day should be free to do what they wanted… Except for fighting.

However, the high level Zergs who heard this sentence did not have any relaxed or liberated ideas. They looked at the young black haired man squatting down and touching a red Barrow grass, and did not want to move.

There was no other thing that was lovely, of course, very good looking.

The black haired King was not a task for the Zerg soldiers, but what they wanted to do.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“The King is safe enough with leader with him. I heard that there was a chance to find treasures in Golden Wheel Street. Why don’t you go and have a look?” Aljer put on a serious expression and spoke to his subordinates who were still looking at their young King and refused to leave.

Not interested in treasures, but interested in giving the treasures to the king. After thinking hard, these high-level Zergs finally nodded.

The current location was a luxurious villa with a size comparable to a palace, but it was still a goblin owned building. The top was a cusp type, with warm colors as the main color. This was the dwelling specially prepared for the visiting Zergs by the goblins. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc atf Ifgu rbivlfgr lc atf gbbw kfgf qfgrejvfv ab ifjnf, Cipfg abbx j ibbx ja atf sbecu xlcu rdejaalcu lc atf sjgv cba ojg jkjs, jcv mgbemtfv yfrlvf tlw kjr tlr ifjvfg, rkjslcu tlr rlinfg ajli ogbw alwf ab alwf.

Qjr tf agslcu ab wjxf atf xlcu ilxf tlw?Cipfg atbeuta jybea la.

Their Leaders’ feelings for the young zerg was different from their feelings towards the youth, it could be easily distinguished as long as they had normal senses, whenever the silver-haired Zerg circled his tail around the waist of the King, it showed a desire to possess his lover or partner.

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