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There was no way for him to go back to his human form for the time being, but he still wanted to go back. After a long silence, Gu Huai finally used the spiritual link.

So in the bedroom under the sight of the group of high level Zergs, standing near the bed, the Tak Zerg bent down, stretched out its forearms and put the two pups on the mattress together on its shoulders. 

Nowadays, people of all races on Mino star were used to seeing the Zergs and were quite friendly. When the Zergs appeared at the airport, people of all races, especially the goblins, who knew that the other was leaving Mino Star, showed friendly farewell gestures.

As soon as Mino Star’s Chief Secretary received the relevant information, he personally led two goblin soil experts to the airport.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

When the Zerg army came, the chief secretary looked around and did not see the black haired youth, neither did he see the Silver haired Zerg who was the leader of the army. For a moment, he hesitated a little.

But as he hesitated, the chief secretary found that the high level Zergs in front of him did not pay him any attention, but seemed to be watching the same thing collectively. 

Looking in the direction of the eyes of these Zergs, he saw two plush, rounded, unidentified creatures standing on the left shoulder of a giant Tak Zerg.

At first glance, he didn’t feel anything. At second glance, he noticed the impressive golden pupils. The high-level goblin was stunned, and then he had a self-conscious, weird, unbelievable but biased conjecture that seemed to be the fact.

In fact, for this phenomenon, the guards around the other side of the Zergs, although they did not show any expression on the surface, secretly they were a little willing to maintain their current position.

When their king found a way to return to human form, it would be hard for them to see his cub form again.

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Thinking of this, the collective Zerg surrounded by their parents’ mentality did not resist and continued to look at the Tak Zerg who safely kept the cubs to rest on its shoulders.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Ca j uijcmf, atfs cffvfv ab ajxf jvnjcajuf bo atf alwf ktfc atflg Blcu vlvc’a xcbk tbk ab mtjcuf yjmx. Qtfc atfs uba yjmx ab Keatfg, atfs kbeiv tfiq atflg Blcu ajxf bea jii atf abs yjiir, jcv atfc…

Pwjulclcu atf rmfcf bo atflg Blcu qijslcu klat j abs yjii lc atf obgw bo j mey. Ktf nfgalmji qeqlir bo atf Ifgu aglyf, ktbrf ojmfr kfgf ralii fzqgfrrlbcifrr, revvfcis ila eq.

Considering that youth was not familiar with his current form and may not have enough knowledge of body balance, Alves’ tail and silver wings were used to wrap around the cub. 

It was for this reason that in the eyes of the surrounding people, the two cubs on the shoulders of the Tak Zerg seemed to be very close to each other. Their colors were exactly the opposite, black and white, so it was difficult to stick together without being noticed.

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