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During the Mahayana realm, his cultivation stopped for a short time but he continued to rely on the ‘cheating’ cultivation method. Gu Huai was preparing to cross the transitional period in the spirit clan and become an immortal.

His body and soul were completely compatible. When his body matured, he would look the same as he did in his original world. 

The cultivation of immortals was not about conforming to the heavenly way, so the heavenly way set a barrier for cultivators. There were cultivators in the spirit world who wanted to cross the barrier.

Looking at the thunder filled sky, the cultivators of Yunlan Zong who were developing steadily in the spirit world couldn’t help but wonder.

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The spirits had already passed the realm. The only possible candidates seemed to be…

They recalled the pitiful little boy in the competition in the Xiaoqian world. In just a few years, the cultivation realm of the other had progressed to the point of crossing and becoming an immortal? 

It was absolutely impossible to think in a conventional way, but the leader of Yunlan Zong thought that the other was not an ordinary person, the master of all spirits, but the existence of a different class from them, and it was normal for him to have amazing talent.

After only paying attention to the sky for a while, the leader of Yunlan Zong quickly asked the disciples to continue practicing. When Yunlan Zong could survive independently in the Xiuzhen world, they would move out of the spirit clan, they were able to obtain the protection of the spirit clan, which they were very grateful for.

At this time, black thunder clouded over the head of the teenager who was meditating, blocking the sunlight in the area and making it gloomy.

From the thundercloud, they could clearly see the complex thunder light, and the sound of space tearing echoed in the area, which showed a strong sense of oppression and destruction.

One person was having a breakthrough, the whole clan accompanied. Looking up at the clouds in the sky, the five spirits who had together arranged the defense array were very calm and serious.

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Xie Yan was sitting in front of the youth Although he didn’t think that the youth couldn’t survive the thunderstorm, it didn’t mean that he could watch easily.

The rest of the spirits had the same idea.

This thunder would hit their little master. They couldn’t bear to think about it. 

After succeeding in crossing and becoming an immortal, the spirit clan would be rest assured. The sky was filled with more thunder, the roar was getting louder. Gu Huai was calm and ready for the first tribulation.

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Ktf atecvfgmibev kjr vfcrfis vlraglyeafv ab j mfgajlc fzafca, jcv atf vfragemalnf qbkfg kjr mbcmfcagjafv lc bcf qijmf. Coafg atf jmmeweijalbc bo qbkfg kjr oeii, atecvfg mea atgbeut atf vjgx rxs jcv ofii gjqlvis ja atf rjwf alwf.

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