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There were many ethnic groups in the Zergs, among which, the Tak zergs were well known by the humans, because the Zerg soldiers were very fierce and they were often more difficult to deal with than other Zergs.

“Did you steal this energy crystal from the place they guarded it…?” Before saying this, Hammer had grabbed his wrist and put the boy behind him, basically shielding him. 

The reason why Hammer asked this question was because he found that the Tak Zergs were in a state of irritation and stared at the energy crystal in his hand with fierce bloodthirsty eyes. Especially when he shoved the young zerg behind him to show protection, the vertical pupils of the Tak Zerg flashed violently.

The sense of honor of a soldier was really a troublesome thing, the blonde officer had a headache thinking about it. Although he had just told his comrade that he had no time to look after other people, he could not control his subconscious actions in the face of danger.

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If the young man behind him was left here, they would probably be able to escape easily, but Hammer could not harden his heart to the fact that the other party would be surrounded by these Tak Zergs and torn into pieces.

The hisses of the zergs were sharpened by anger, and the Tak Zergs advanced at an extremely rapid rate, within seconds they were close to the two humans they had locked in their sights. 

“It’s better for you to let me go soon…” Without answering the other party’s last question, Gu Huai started struggling.

There was no need to check their emotions at all. Gu Huai knew that the Tak Zergs, who saw him as their cub, had gone wild. Even if he established a link to comfort them, it may not work unless the person who held his wrist released him.

Gu Huai was clearly struggling, but the human officers who were maintaining a defensive barrier did not understand, “Don’t move around!”

Just as he finished this sentence in a stern tone, the Tak Zergs, who were approaching him, suddenly opened their mouth and hissed angrily.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The leader waved his lower forearm and cut down several tall and sturdy Tamu trees next to him, then the Tak zergs surrounded them.

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Ktf wjc ugjyyfv atflg xlcu’r abs yjii, jcv tfiv bc ab tlw, cbk tf sfiifv ja atflg xlcu lc j tjgrt abcf, atf Kjx Ifgur kfgf beagjufv.

Pa kjr lwqbrrlyif obg tewjcr ab gec qjra atf Ifgur klat akb ifur, rb atf akb tewjc ufcfgjir kfgf cba qijcclcu ab gec, la kbeiv yf j nfgs obbilrt jma ab fzqbrf atflg yjmx ab atf Ifgur klatbea jcs wlilajgs fdelqwfca.

The defense barrier was built with his power to buy time for him and his companions. With the roar of the approaching swarm, the blonde officer was stunned. 

He remembered that the Tak Zerg did not have the habit of hissing and threatening before attacking. According to the fighting instinct of the lower-class Zergs, they fought immediately when they saw that the enemy was catching up to them, it was as if the zergs were worrying about something…

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