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From learning to sit and crawl, to learning to walk and talk, under the eyes of the home owners of the Gu and Shen families, as long as their babies stayed in the same place, they would be inseparable.

The day, he watched two children that had been crawling together in the living room to explore. After stopping, Shen learned new things. 

Two of the small short hands were still together. One was sitting and holding the other, and the other was standing up in this position. Of course, it was not stable. When the old people who were watching saw it, they had to take care of it.

At this time, they had to admit that these two little boys were very smart. They just helped each other maintain a balance. Before long, both of them seem to grasp the feeling.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Mr. Shen felt that he was rejected by his grandson at once.

The child he bent over to hold looked at him with black eyes, then turned his head to the other side, stretched out his short finger And made a unique sound, “Huai Ah Huai.” 

By the time he was about nine months old, Shen Sui had already learned to speak some words consciously, but when it came to this, Mr Shen felt even more helpless. When the little boy in his family could talk, the first word was not ‘Grandpa’, but ‘Ah Huai’.

Small and heartless.

However, since Shen Sui’s second word was Grandpa, he reluctantly forgave the other.

As soon as he tried to let go of his hand, Shen saw that the child was trying to keep his balance. He was a little bit unsteady, but his goal was very clear.

“Chirp, Ah Huai…” In the past, he accurately grasped his hand. This child who had grown up to be more and more beautiful, now had bright eyes.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden.com

The feeling was so good that the two old people nearby couldn’t help sighing.

Normally, such a small child couldn’t remember things, but the two small ones seemed a little different.

Every day, the other side was thinking of asking him to take him to see him. If he didn’t see the other child, he would cry. Looking at the children who were supporting each other and stumbling together to learn how to walk, Mr. Shen sighed and regretted. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Later, their family would move to Fujing.

Po atflg ojwlis vlvc’a wbnf ab Meplcu, atf gfijalbcrtlq yfakffc atf akb lc atf oeaegf wjs yf mibrfg atjc atja yfakffc bgvlcjgs ygbatfgr jcv gfijalnfr. Dea joafg j qfglbv bo rfqjgjalbc, la kjr fralwjafv atja atflg gfijalbcrtlq kbeiv yf kfjx lc atf oeaegf .

Jtlivgfc’r obgufaoeicfrr kjr ugfja, frqfmljiis obg atbrf ktb kfgf ralii ecvfg juf. Snfc lo atfs mbeiv gfwfwyfg la cbk, atfs kbeiv yf ojg jkjs ogbw fjmt batfg obg j ibcu alwf. Pa kbeiv yf cbgwji obg atfw ab obgufa.

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