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Although their king did not retain any racial characteristic, he was undoubtedly a Zerg. There were always outsiders who mistook their own king for a human being, which was certainly not a happy thing for the Zergs. It would be known to all the stars that this was the king of their clan one day.

At this time, the human army was obviously stunned. He represented the Zergs. What kind of position did he have to say this? 

Seeing that the high-level Zergs around him had no intention of refuting at all, General Shen Qiu, who had a steady and fierce eye, could not help changing his mind slightly. Before he could find out the answer, he first shook the hand extended to him by the black haired youth in front of his eyes.

The etiquette of meeting and shaking hands was a sign of friendliness in most races, and if the other person had extended his hand and it was not reciprocated, it clearly expressed a sense of neglect.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Being stared at by so many high-level Zergs, General Shen reached out shook the hand very quickly. When he took back his hand, he faced the youth standing in front of him and changed his attitude to caution.

The recent unusual actions of the Zergs had been witnessed by all races across the planet, from the joining of their armies to the feedback on StarNet to the establishment of friendly relations with the Goblins. 

The emergence of the Zergs, or the birth of a leader above the four Legion Leaders, were particularly worthy of their attention.

The owner of the strange name may be standing in front of him, aware of this, General Shen Qiu’s mood suddenly became heavy.

The difficulty of solving the problem now was hard. Faced with the rather difficult situation at present, Shen Qiu asked a tentative question, “What is your identity representing the Zerg clan?”

A race could not be represented by a representative, which was valid only if it was spoken by the supreme authority, otherwise it was void. Even with the basic certainty in mind, General Shen still hoped to get a confirmation.

This question did not bother the youth, Aljer next to him, responded, “Your Majesty, as a king, represents me and all others. There is no problem at all.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

There was nothing to hide. The Zergs had the ability to guard their precious treasures.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Jtlgq.” Ktf Ifgu mey mgbemtlcu bc atf rtbeivfg bo atf sbeat wjvf j rbecv, klat ubivfc nfgalmji qeqlir, lar ujhf kjr olzfv bc atf ufcfgji bo atf tewjc gjmf.

Lf vlvc’a xcbk kts tf ofia vjcufg ogbw remt j rwjii mgfjaegf. Ktf glmt fzqfglfcmf tf jmmeweijafv bc yjaaifolfivr ujnf atf Xfcfgji jc jiwbra lcralcmalnf lcaelalbc bo vjcufg. 

Was it a Zerg cub…?

From those pale golden vertical pupils, there was a vague sense of pressure, and General Shen suddenly felt a little uncertain about his idea.

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