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After putting his hands on the head of the unfamiliar Zerg and rubbing it a few times, Gu Huai suddenly felt that the other seemed to be happy from his change of expression.

It was a good chance to break free from the position he was in; his waist was wrapped by a tail and his whole body was held by the Zerg. He tried struggling, which clearly showed his intention.

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At this time, the Zerg soldiers were just arriving at the center of the cave and saw this startling scene.

The young Zerg held in a protective embrace by the silver-haired Zerg struggled slightly and seemed to want to stand on his own. 

The King…. 

He was so cute…

The high ranked Zergs arrived at the center of the cave, after approaching a certain distance, obeying their instincts, they knelt down on one knee in the direction of the youth, their right hands were placed on their chests and their heads bowed.

This was a clear gesture of loyalty and submission. Their actions made the silver-haired Zerg, who was impatient, retract his tail. Alves quickly satisfied the youth’s need to stand by himself

Finally standing on his own made Gu Huai a little relieved, but a group of high ranked Zergs bowing and kneeling required attention.

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The reason why these high ranked Zergs knelt like this was because of him. He understood this from the emotions he felt from them.

“Should I let them stand?” The ability to feel emotions were basically ineffective towards the silver-haired Zerg by his side.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The Zerg army was obviously under his control, so Gu Huai felt that he needed to ask the Zerg’s opinion. The young Zerg’s voice was not very loud, but with the hearing of the Zergs, his voice was very clear to them. This was the first time they had heard his voice. 

Po atfs kfgf cba ybklcu atflg tfjvr, Xe Lejl kbeiv tjnf ofia atflg ragbcu ujhfr. Pc atf vlw mjnf, atf fsfr bo atfrf rbivlfgr kfgf afgglyis ygluta.

Ktlr xlcv bo yglutacfrr kjr fcbeut ab yf mbcrlvfgfv ojcjalmlrw, jyrbieaf ibsjias vfafgwlcfv ys atflg cjaegf jcv lcralcmar. Ktfs kfgf kliilcu ab vb jcsatlcu obg atf Ifgu mey.

“They’ll listen to you.” The silver-haired Zerg’s face was still expressionless, and his voice was cold, but this sentence was said as if he did not care about letting the youth take control of his troops.

Unlike his subordinates, the instinct to submit did not affect Alves. What made him submit was something much stronger and deeper than his racial instincts. 

He didn’t want to destroy the youth, he wanted to protect him. When he held the sleeping youth in his arms, Alves felt it.

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