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At the first moment of perceiving something strange, that is, the second before the dome of the auction house was blown up, the cub nestled in the arms of the youth stopped wagging the tip of its tail, and at the same time changed back to his original form and surrounded the youth with his tail.

With the explosion of the dome being demolished by force, the guests of all races in the auction house naturally could not calm down, and the whole auction house suddenly became a riot. 

There was no alarm. Mino star was infiltrated by a minority of Goblins of the Penn Empire, and most of the additional security guards for the auction were actually part of the Penn Empire.

At present, it could be said that the auction venue was surrounded by enemies inside and outside.

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The dome was blown up and the falling rocks caused screams. After encircling the youth with his tail, Alves spread out a pair of huge silver wings, wrapped the young zerg in it, and smashed a huge slab of stone into powder with his tail.

The goblin auctioneers on the auction stand were still stunned and did not know how to react. Now, all the goblin soldiers pouring into the auction hall were enemies. For all the ethnic groups in the area, they were in a state of isolation and helplessness. 

Of course, there were exceptions.

Without lowering the platform, the Tak Zerg on the independent platform directly blocked it with its huge body, enabling youth to stay in a safe environment, and coincidentally blocked the two humans too.

Although the two humans knew that it was only an incident, they were still somewhat moved and grateful.

“Karu.” Seeing the Tak Zerg, who were constantly hit by small pieces of gravel on its back, Gu Huai, who came out of the silver wing, stretched out his hand.

When the youth emerged from his shelter, the Tak Zerg uttered a low hissing voice, urging the young zerg to retreat back to safety.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The small stone on its body was not really painful to a Tak Zerg, but even if it was replaced by bullets, the Tak Zerg would do exactly the same thing.

Protect the King, for the Zerg, this would not be shaken by anything, especially for the low level Zerg who did not have too much wisdom.

It was in front of it that the youth was born. At first, when they were on the abandoned planet, they guarded a pure white giant egg. Later, the treasure was opened and the precious thing inside appeared. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Because looking at the birth of this treasure, the Tak Zergs who once lived on the abandoned planet not only instinctively loved and obeyed the new king, but also believed that they had the responsibility to care for the young zerg.

Dea pera jr atf Ifgur ecmbcvlalbcjiis qgbafmafv tlw, Xe Lejl jirb vlv cba kjca tlr Ifgur ab fcvegf jcs vjwjuf. Dfsbcv atf ojma atja tf vlvc’a kjca ab vfragbs qfbqif’r tbwfr ja klii, jcbatfg wbgf lwqbgajca gfjrbc obg mtbbrlcu j wbgf ‘qfjmfoei’ ab mifjglcu atf kbgiv gjatfg atjc j rlwqif jcv mgevf kjs bo ‘mbcdefglcu atf eclnfgrf’ kjr atja tf vlvc’a kjca ab vfragbs batfg qfbqif’r tbwfr.

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