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After he said that he would pick him up soon. Xie Yan’s words were not empty. After he woke up from deep sleep, the first thing he did was to call up the forces of the spirit clan.

In the eyes of the people living in the small world, the ability of the cultivators who had become immortals was no different from that of gods. What was the feeling of a group of gods falling in their midst? 

Anyway, all the people in Yunlan sect were still looking at the sky at this time, and they had no time to think about anything else. In the small world, the cultivators who passed the trial by self cultivation rarely returned to the small world after entering the big world.

They had never heard of this situation.

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Let alone the experience of coping with it. A group of cultivators of Yunlan Zong were in the same position. They didn’t know what else they could do now.

If the spirit clan coming to their sect intended to attack, they had no power to fight back. Resistance was only in vain. And if they had a request for them, no matter what the request was, they could only agree. 

However, these ‘gods’ who enters their midst didn’t do anything they imagined, only landed on the ground collectively, and then went to the sect hall in the same direction.

With the dream spirit carrying him, the boy on the back of the dream spirit was thinner. Although the clothes on his body was much thicker than those in Tianling clan, it couldn’t support his body shape.

On the back of the dream spirit, the youth did not show any timid attitude towards the approaching spirits, but looked at them openly with black eyes that were not fully opened.

Looked at by those black and bright eyes, the group of spirits became frantic. First, they secretly looked at their appearances, and then they dared to continue approaching after confirming that there was no problem .

With his subordinates, Xie Yan hesitated for a moment, then silently picked up the boy who was carried on the back by the dream spirit. At the same time, he built an invisible border around him to keep out the cold.

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Looking at the actions of their Lord, these spirits realized later that they saw the little red face of the youth, and their eyes changed immediately.

It was time to protect and cherish their precious treasure. They were afraid he had suffered a lot outside. Thinking of this, these spirits, who had come all the way from the Xiuzhen world, now wanted to put all their treasures in front of their little master and offer them to the other for selection.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Efaegc ab atf rqlgla kbgiv…?” Lf ibkfgfv tlr tfjv ab ibbx ja atf sbeat lc tlr jgwr, jcv Wlf Tjc ibkfgfv tlr nblmf jcv jrxfv. 

Aera ub yjmx ab atf rqlgla kbgiv. Lf mbeiv wjxf atf yfra qgfqjgjalbc ab ifa atf sbeat ilnf lc atf wbra mbwobgajyif fcnlgbcwfca.

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