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After retreating from the dream world, all Yunlan Zong cultivators in the hall of the school were still in the same place. They had a strong sense of illusion about what they had just experienced.

However, no matter how strong this unreal feeling was, the apparent improvement of their strength showed it was real. The spiritual power they could use now had increased several times than before. 

Using the power borrowed from the dream spirit, the cultivators in the main hall of the sect now even thought that they could surpass opponents who were several levels higher than their cultivation realm.

In addition to all the people in the main hall of the sect, all the cultivators in the sect of Yunlan Zong also felt this sudden power surge, and they were at at loss for a moment.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Where was the pie falling from the sky? It was definitely gold, OK?

After coming out of their stupor, the leader of Yunlan Zong and the elders in the main hall of the school looked at each other for a while, then they all focused on the young man holding a peach blossom branch in the center of the main hall. 

The Dream spirit worshipped by his clan was showing obedience to the black haired boy. Now he rubbed his head on the boy, obviously expressing his love, and had put on a distinctive guarding posture.

What happened in the last match of the Xianmen competition was not an accident. Even people who were slow in thinking, now understood it.

At first, the spirit of Xuanhu was not too lazy to fight because his opponent was too weak. Later, the little patriarch who attacked by the Xuanhu spirit. They were afraid that all the abnormal actions of the animal spirit were all from the thin young man in front of them.

Just after thinking about this, the people in the hall were going to move their rigid bodies a little, but the spirit of xuanhu suddenly appeared in the hall and made them tense.

As soon as the spirit of xuanhu appeared, he immediately found his goal and did not look at the other people in the hall.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Gulu…” Close to his little master, the spirit of the xuanhu crouched down and purred unabashedly, continuously from his throat. It was not a distraction.

The spirit of xuanhu came to his sect. The Leader of Yunlan Zong took a deep breath. He felt that he needed to slow down. Today, he has experienced too much stimulation.

“Liu Bo won’t say you’re in trouble again.” The middleaged cultivator who accompanied Wen Qi to visit Tianling Zong before sighed, raised his hand and clapped his Patriarch on the shoulder, full of emotion. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rb bcf mbeiv mjerf remt ylu agbeyif. Ktf lvfcalas bo atf sbecu wjc atf qjagljgmt kjcafv ogbw Kljcilcu mijc kjr fzagjbgvlcjgs. Cmmbgvlcu ab atf ibnf-oliifv jcv byfvlfca jaalaevf bo atf rqlglaeji mijc ab atf batfg, la kjr tjgv ab lwjulcf tbk cbyif atf gfji lvfcalas bo atf sbeat kjr.

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