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It was similar to the golden vertical pupil, but it had to be said that the two eyes still gave people a very distinct feeling.

The vertical pupil of the Silver haired Zerg was a light golden color. It looked cold due to lack of heat. This kind of coldness without temperature gave people a very strong sense of oppression. 

The golden vertical pupil of youth was the real golden pupils, which was brighter and warmer, like the heat of the sun, possessing the power to destroy everything.

There was no doubt that the two distinct temperatures were almost identical in terms of destructive power.

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Nobody dared to look directly at the young zerg’s golden pupils, even if they followed the fluctuation of his power, because the moment they looked at those eyes, it easily produced a desire to submit.

The steel battleship that was forced to fall to the ground was still alive because of its energy shield. The damage to the ship’s hull when it fell was not very serious. 

But although the damage to the ship’s hull was within acceptable limits, the situation of the warship at this time was not optimistic, because it could not move at all, as if it was completely controlled by some unknown force.

The minority goblins in the warship’s command room who operated the warship had almost destroyed the console, and no matter how much they entered instructions, the warship couldn’t move an inch.


Under the invisible extrusion from the surrounding conduction, parts of the warship gradually broke down because it could not withstand the tremendous pressure. Even the high strength alloy material on the warship shell could easily be destroyed under this terrible pressure.

While the energy shield was still outside, it did not play a defensive role and was directly penetrated by this invisible and intangible force.

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In the eyes of all present, the black haired youth with a pair of golden vertical pupils who was staying in the Zerg camp tightened his hands towards the front battleship.

In response to this action by the youth, the steel warship where the commander of the Penn Empire was located was crushed by a huge and horrible invisible pressure.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr kjr ecvbeyafvis j vfafggfca jcv j tfjns yibk ab atf oiffa atja atf Ufcc Swqlgf kjr ralii rageuuilcu klat. Ktf cewyfg bo Teij kjgrtlqr atja reggbecvfv atfw kfgf rb cewfgber atja atfs mbeiv yf rffc fnfgsktfgf. Pa kjr j afgglyif rmfcf atja wjvf qfbqif offi afgglyif jcv oglutafcfv. 

Pa kjr ilxf rajyylcu j cfra.

Up to now, except for the Zergs themselves, no one knew where so many warships came from, or how they appeared out of nowhere.

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