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The situation of the auction booth was projected on a huge screen, and a virtual image was generated on the flying platform occupied by the participants.

The control panel rose from the platform floor, and the round cub that had nested well in the arms of the youth moved its silver tail, jumped onto the control panel and occupied the corner position. 

Many businessmen also wanted to see what the Zergs would bid for at the auction. In theory, all the senior members of the various ethnic groups who participated in this auction should be aiming for the final auction items, They would not do much, but the Zergs had forcefully broken their idea.

In front of the auction of some rare materials, all kinds of high-level ethnic groups had bid but there were no movements from the Zergs. Instead, they were interested in plants and flowers that were rare but not of great practical value, such as the Credi Flame, which was now an endangered plant.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

On the control board, the Zerg cub crouched in the upper right corner squinted and gazed at the virtual image. It was a fantastic flower cultivated in a special vessel, like a burning flame in the distance.

There was no hesitation, the second the image appeared, the cub flicked its silver tail gently and the tip of its tail touched the bidding button. 

The reason for the gentle flick was that the control panel was too fragile for Alves. The cub form was only physical, and his actual strength had not declined. It was not clear what the consequences of the uncontrollable force would be.

The bidder’s brand appeared on the information screen of each participant, and the goblin who presided over the auction also made a public announcement. At this time, the whole auction house was basically quiet.

It was just an ornament. Although it was really rare, they won’t compete with the Zergs for it. Especially the races that were trying to contact the Zergs recently would not compete with the Zergs in ornaments which was not important.

In addition to flowers and plants, people of all races in the auction house saw that the Zergs were also keen on bidding for some spheres. These two hobbies could be said to be very fascinating.

Sitting on the shoulder of a Tak Zerg with no backrest, Gu Huai usually leaned his body against the head of the Tak Zerg.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“… Ktja’r fcbeut.” Mffilcu atja tlr Ifgur kfgf agslcu ab ujatfg jii xlcvr bo yjiir obg tlw, la kjr yfaafg ab tjnf bcf obg fjmt mbibg. Xe Lejl aegcfv atf akb uijrr yjiir tf kjr qijslcu klat jcv fzqgfrrfv tlr atbeutar mjrejiis.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Bcbklcu atja wbra bo tlr Ifgur kfgf atlcxlcu bo yeslcu absr obg tlw, Xe Lejl kjr j ilaaif gfiemajca ab gfoerf, jiatbeut tf kjr cba gfjiis lcafgfrafv lc fnfgs xlcv bo rqtfgf. Lf kjr lcfzqilmjyis obcv bo bypfmar atja ujatfgfv fcfgus, remt jr fcfgus mgsrajir.

But it was always a pleasure to receive gifts full of heart. Gu Huai would take them and keep them carefully when the Zergs sent the toys to him. The Zergs who liked to send toys were happy when he received them. As a result, it had become an uninterrupted cycle over time…

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