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When he was a kid, he could still say that the other didn't mean to leave a wet mark. Now he had this moist feeling on his cheek, so Gu Huai had to make a helpless expression.

'How old are you", Gu Huai unconsciously uttered this sentence with a mature voice. After that, he touched his cheek which was kissed by his ChuChu with his fingertip.

He committed the crime but didn't want to repent. The boy, who was quite tall, slightly bowed his head, seriously answered the question, "in three years, I'll be eighteen.

Then he would be an adult. When he was a child, his cognition of adding a wet mark to him was to express closeness. Now that he had grown up, Shen Sui actually had some different ideas about his action.

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Make a mark to add a mark to your favorite and most important treasure. He could confirm his ownership without making a sound.

However, there was only one 'other' here. Apart from the youth next to him, Shen Sui clearly remembered that he never did that to anyone else in his childhood, even his relatives.

Gu Huai chuckled a little when he heard the his serious reply, but at this age, he couldn't let him repeat what he did as a young child.

When Gu Huai felt his face and touched the wet mark, he saw the boy who was taller than him, suddenly narrow his eyes and said in a low voice, "The day after tomorrow is Ah Huai's birthday."

When Gu Huai heard this, he suddenly realized that he was busy transferring to another school just after military training in Yujing No.1 middle school. His schedule was too tight, so he forgot about it.

"Give me rabbits this year?" Since the age of six, once a year, Gu Huai had received nine plush rabbit dolls. If he did it again this year, he'll have collected ten. When he came to Fujing, he packed them in his luggage.

He was also very careful in selecting rabbits for his Ah Huai. Every year, he chose a different brand. Each rabbit had a different appearance and shape. The only thing that Gu Huai didn't understand was why the other was so persistent about the rabbit.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Shen Sui nodded his head and lowered his voice. He had prepared the gift in advance last month. Now he mentioned the birthday to say something else, "Ah Huai and I can go to the playground."

Gu Huai quickly agreed. His birthday happened to be the weekend. Anyway, he had nothing else to do. It was good to spend a birthday with him.

The Shen family sent people to carry and review Gu Huai's luggage, but the servants who were sent to the family's suites were empty handed when they went and empty handed when they came back.

Because the luggage they were supposed to carry were carried by a group of ferocious looking black suits.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa kjr yfaafg obg atfw ab qfgrbcjiis vfilnfg atf ubbvr bo atflg sbecu wjrafg. Yc atf kjs ab Vtfc'r tberf, atfrf 20 yijmx rela qfgrbccfi kfgf jirb ujatfgfv ab vlrmerr atf rjwf atlcu.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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