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When a planet opens its highest level of defence, it often meant a massive battle with an enemy, when all forces on the planet would move unreservedly and the planet would quickly be blocked and guarded.

Was there really no mistake? Looking at their pitiful group, both humans now had some doubts about life. 

The enemy, composed of three people, was somewhat shabby.

Although he didn’t know exactly what the alert stood for, Gu Huai, based on his instincts as a writer, soon guessed that it might be some kind of alarm.

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Things went wrong because he was completely unprepared, through his ability, he could perceive the anger and fear of the Zergs, and Gu Huai immediately set up a link.

“I am here.” 

The links could directly convey his location without verbal descriptions or specific locations.

In the next second, the roar of space being torn apart by a powerful force resounded. From the torn space, the two humans stiffened as they saw someone walk out from the space.

Silver hair, the iconic pale golden pupils, and the long tail that hung behind him, which looked cold and textured, exposed the identity of the silver-haired Zerg at a glance.

“-?!” In an instant, the two humans became stunned, they clearly recognized the identity of the silver-haired Zerg in front of them.

Understanding the enemy was an indispensable war preparation guide. All military academies of the Earth Federation had established special courses to teach knowledge about the Zergs, including the distribution of forces of the Zergs, the characteristics of the various ethnic groups, and so on.

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It could be said that the people who came out of the Federal Military Academy and succeeded in entering the army had an absolutely high level of understanding of the Zergs as a whole.

It was not a hierarchical spatial ability at all. With the same ability to manipulate space, Shen Mu knew how terrible the ability of the silver-haired Zerg was to appear in front of them.

This absolute hierarchical gap could easily create a sense of despair, without any chance of luck, looking at the eyes of the Zerg, Shen Mu only felt that he was facing a pure black abyss. 

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Pa kjr pera j wjaafg bo frmjqlcu jcv jnblvlcu j ofk mjqabgr, lcrafjv atfs uba atf qijcfa ab erf atf tlutfra ifnfi bo jifga wbvf, jcv fnfc atf qijcfa’r wjrafg mjwf ab mjqaegf atfw qfgrbcjiis….

Ktflg ybvs rffwfv ab yf ecvfg rbwf xlcv bo lcnlrlyif qgfrregf. Mgbw atf wbwfca atf rlinfg-tjlgfv Ifgu jqqfjgfv, atf akb tewjcr mbeiv cba wbnf ja jii. Ktfs kfgf olgwis ibmxfv lc qijmf ys atf qbkfg bo atf hfgu.

It was obvious that the person carrying him was stiff. Gu Huai was still carried on his back. At this time, he looked out and saw the cold and beautiful silver-haired Zerg not far away. His first reaction was to blink in silence.

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