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Although it was a low ranked spirit beast, it acted more on its instincts. But when it was called in to help fight, the spirit of the Xuanhu knew that its little master and the young head of the Chu clan who worshipped him were competing.

Of course, it couldn’t let the little master be bullied. After listening to the teenager’s words, it did not attack Chu Ling, but the spirit of Xuanhu refused to let go of the opponent he had pinned to the ground. 

Spirits beasts were somewhat higher than that of ordinary beasts. The beast turned his head and looked at the cultivator who was delaying in announcing the results of the competition, making his paw a little heavier.

Originally, it was limited in movement.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Now the claws on its body had intensified. Chu Ling felt a little breathless in an instant. Of course, the Chu clan were not looking good now. However, looking at the current situation of their young successor, the Chu clan’s disciple who acted as a referee, had to open his mouth to decide who won even if he was reluctant to do so.

It was forbidden to interfere with the situation on the platform during the competition, and only after the victory or defeat of the cultivators were decided can they rescue the youth of their clan. 

“The winner is Gu Huai, a disciple of the Tianling Sect.”

By the end of the announcement by the disciple, the spirit of Xuanhu moved its claws away at the next moment, turned around and stared at the black haired teenager standing by for a few seconds. After grunting for a moment, the spirit beast disappeared.

Distraction was no good, it should use its body to find their little master, before completely disappearing, the spirit of the Xuanhu left a tracing technique on the youth’s body.

Every time the winner of the Xianmen competition got different prizes and treasures. In many people’s eyes, it was just a night’s riches.

In the Xianmen competition, the youth who won actually did not even own a storage ring.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Earlier, they noticed that the youth’s clothes were simple and his figure was rather thin. Compared with the well dressed and beloved youth of the Chu clan, he was pitiful.

But in the realm of practicing truth, there was basically one person who could store things and abstain from them, and they really did not expect that the situation of the other party would be worse than they had imagined.

Wen Qi did not let the teenager drag such a large box with his small body. 

According to his previous agreement with the Tianling Zong, Wen Qi came to the Tianling Sect leader after the end of the competition.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

To the pitiful youth, Wen Qi stuffed a storage ring in his hand and led the other all the way to the front of the Tianling Zong.

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