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Being proposed to, according to his early promise, Gu Huai of course accepted once again.

The young master of their clan wanted to get married to their Lord. The group of spirits with an old father / mother mentality had spent a lot of time to finally fully accept the fact and then actively started to prepare for the wedding banquet. 

In fact, when they thought about it carefully, the spirits who were preparing the wedding banquet admitted in their hearts that if their young master wanted to marry someone, he was indeed the most suitable and matching person.The preparation of the wedding banquet took a lot of time. It was the wedding banquet of the young master and their Lord after all.

The spirits naturally attached great importance to it, so they got together to discuss for a long time.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They had made some changes to the overall layout of the spirit clan. Now, no matter where they were in the spirit clan, they would see the red lanterns hanging.

The main channels were paved with fairy brocade. When they thought that they were about to prepare for the wedding banquet, the five spirit leaders sent invitations to the top leaders of all clans in advance. It had also been sent out to the humans and basically those hidden powers that joined in the Enyuan conference. 

It was very rare for the spirit clan to send an invitation on its own initiative. When it came to the wedding banquet, the leaders of all ethnic groups couldn’t help being slightly shocked.

Lord of the spirit clan and wedding party?

Seeing clearly the font content floating in front of them, except for Xi Huan, the demon Lord who had been tangled about it, the other leaders of the clans looked strange at this time.

The leader of the spirit clan could see who he was after the Enyuan conference. What he found hard to imagine now was that the spirit who had lived for tens of thousands of years with little affection would marry.

The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it was to get emotional. Thinking of Xie Yan who had been a saint for nearly ten thousand years. Now it was a little too strange for him to be moved.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Go back.” The leader of the ghost clan waved away the spiritual letter in front of him and gave orders to his inner subordinates.

The ghost receiving the instruction first answered the question, “when you go to the banquet, are your subordinates in the travel team?”

They were not pure spirits, different from the spirits, but for the black haired teenager who was the masters of all spirits, they still had a good feeling towards him. 

They would wait until the leader gave a positive attitude, the ghost just happily went to the hall to carry out the task.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf kfvvlcu yjcdefa kjr atgff vjsr ijafg. Ca atlr alwf, atf rqlglar tjv jggjcufv jii qjgar bo atf fnfca. Rbk, atfgf kjr j mlgmif jgbecv atf yfvmtjwyfg bo Xe Lejl.

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