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As a special guest, in order to avoid causing too much disturbance, the airport had created a special landing spot for the Zerg warships.

Looking at the faces of the goblins sent to receive them, the two human generals rubbed their chins. 

You see, they said that the size and posture of the escorts were too exaggerated and was easily misunderstood. This was the result of a two third reduction in the troops. If they had traveled with the fleet that was initially assembled, they felt that the goblins by now would have been frightened to the point of raising their planet’s highest defense system.

The goblin who headed the reception team was actually the Chief Secretary of the planet’s governor. His name was Corey Delner, and he was obviously much calmer than the rest of his subordinates.

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After a preliminary conversation with the Zergs as the person who was in charge of their reception, Corey went up high-level Zerg. “Your Excellency the Governor has prepared a reception banquet for your visit, excuse me…”

Before he had finished his inquiry, Corey saw the high-level Zerg frown at him. This Zerg was a woman with huge bone wings growing behind her. Through her appearance and this distinctive feature, it was easy to identify her as the leader of the Second Zerg Legion. So far, she was the leader of the fleet. 

The frown was a sign of dissatisfaction, and the goblin, as a shrewd businessman, was always good at observing. The chief secretary was somewhat confused, and he could not speak a word until he realized that the other was not satisfied with their reception.

“If you feel there is anything that needs improvement, please do not hesitate to mention it.”

Customers were God. Goblins always had a good attitude towards customers who visited their planet to trade.

Kapalia slightly gathered up the huge bony wings behind her. The leader of the Zerg’s Second Legion did not reply, but went silently to the center of the army. The Zerg soldiers opened a way for the Legion leader and she quickly approached the black haired youth guarded by the soldiers in the central area.

Explaining was too troublesome. After approaching the young people, Kapalia knelt down in a crisp and neat manner. “Your Majesty.”

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This kneeling, the team responsible for the reception of the Zergs were stunned.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If you asked who was the happiest person present, it must have been the two human officers who were enjoying themselves secretly.

Ca ijra, rbwf qfbqif tjv fzqfglfcmfv atf rjwf atlcur atfs vlv. Ca olgra, atfs vbeyafv ilof rb wemt. 

Pc ojma, atfs mbeivc’a yijwf atfrf ubyilcr obg wjxlcu wlrajxfr. Ciatbeut atfs wfcalbcfv atf cjwf bo Xe Lejl ab atfw, atfs vlvc’a afii atfw jcs mtjgjmafglralmr bo atf hfgu ja jii. Ccv pera cbk atfs ibbxfv jgbecv mjgfoeiis klat atflg fsfr jcv vlvc’a atlcx jcs bo atfw kjr, lc atlr mjrf, atfs mbeiv bcis atlcx atja atf ylu merabwfg vlvc’a mbwf lc qfgrbc.

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