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To be able to say the requirement of ‘mating’ frankly, but could also be so pure, the silver haired Zerg suddenly kissed his lower lip, Gu Huai had to cough a few times.

At present, the Silver haired Zerg was like a good student waiting to be taught by his teacher. However, as a teacher in the eyes of the other, Gu Huai really wanted to show that he was not very good at this problem. 

The appearance of the youth was undoubtedly very good, with a long stature and ink like eyebrows. Especially when his eyes were slightly curved, they were very beautiful and easy to draw the attention of others at first glance.

But even with such a beautiful face, Gu Huai had never been in love for work reasons, let alone anything further.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, compared with the Silver haired Zerg, Gu Huai, who lived in the original world as a human being in the 21st century, had at least a theoretical understanding of the subject that the other wanted to learn.

But only in theory, the current Silver haired Zerg wanted to practice this topic with him. In practice, he was a novice, and he couldn’t help but look at Gu Huai who was not psychologically ready. 

Generally speaking, mating should be a natural skill of the Zergs, because it existed directly in their instincts.

The Silver haired Zerg was a very special exception, which was related to the other’s personality. The Zergs were a relatively emotionless race, and before Alvis met the youth, his nature was so cold that he had no feelings to speak of, and his indifference was directly written on his face.

This desire related instinct had never been triggered before, but now in the face of his youth, although it was triggered, Alves was also very ignorant of this strange instinct.

“Ah Huai, teach me.” He straightforwardly made this request to his youth, the silver haired zerg put forward a good attitude to learn.

Gu Huai: “…”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

How many times had the Silver haired Zerg been told that, in terms of language and action, he could also respond to the other by licking and combing down his hair, but asking him to take the initiative to teach the other was another thing entirely.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“… Efjiis kjca ab ifjgc? ” Lf gjlrfv tlr tjcv ab mbnfg tlr fsfr. Xe Lejl aegcfv ab atf rlvf, jrxlcu klat j raeoos nblmf.

Ktf cfza rfmbcv alwf atf nblmf ofii, la kjr cba gfugfa, yea tf jmaejiis jrxfv atlr defralbc, Xe Lejl cbk nfgs wemt kjcafv ab erf atf yfv delia ab kgjq tlwrfio lc j raglma jcv mbwqifaf kgjq. 

It was nothing to do something intimate with someone you like. In the original world, as a citizen of the 21st century, Gu Huai thought it was normal and right. But when it came to the Silver haired Zerg, he became a novice with empty theoretical knowledge, he was more or less a novice. He held a driver’s license, while the other party simply did not even have a license. He needed to teach by hand.

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