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If he wanted to change anything, especially when the things that he wanted to change were contrary to the heavenly way, he not only had to have the determination to pay the corresponding price, but he also needed to have the ability. So in recent years, Gu Huai has been staying in the spiritual realm and raising his cultivation realm.

Originally, the spirit world was the purest place in the world. Since returning to the spirit world, Gu Huai had basically been supported by the spirit clan, and had been staying in the best cultivation environment. 

His speed of cultivation had reached a level unimaginable to ordinary people. Putting that aside, it was a good way to raise the speed, which startled a lot of people. Mahayana realm.

He opened his eyes and breathed out lightly. Gu Huai straightened his legs and shook them. However, just after shaking for a while, Gu Huai felt eyes from all directions. For fear of any accidents during his advancement stage, all the spirits were staring at his movements at this time, and their expressions were quite subtle.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…” Being surrounded by so many spirits, Gu Huai was too embarrassed to continue shaking his legs, but after stopping, he saw something similar to disappointment on the faces of the surrounding spirits.

After so many years of being well-dressed and well fed, the youth’s figure no longer showed his original thin appearance, and the originally thin chin finally grew a little meat. His facial features, which were still somewhat childish at first, were now completely developed. His eyes were too beautiful, especially the fact that it was lightly curves. People would have liked to describe him as a black haired beauty. 

What a lovely way for their little master to shake his legs. It was a bit disappointing that they didn’t continue watching. However, they soon put their attention back to the youngsters themselves.

It took only a few years for the youth to upgrade his cultivation from the heart stage to the Mahayana stage. All the spirits in the spiritual world felt no surprise. After all, the spirits in the Xiuzhen world had been born at the Mahayana stage from the moment of their birth.

At present, the spirit clan was a race that was favored by heaven in the eyes of anyone, and its inborn powerful ability was enviable.

Taking the boy with straight legs. Xie Yan silently moved the boy’s legs to his knees, and then carefully rubs them.

“Well…” His knees were rubbed and pressed. Gu Huai was too comfortable to move. His eyes narrowed slightly.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Two or three years were really nothing for the spirits. They used to sleep for tens or hundreds of years, so after these years, they knew that their little master had grown up.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In fact, the height of the youth was much higher. He rubbed on the youth’s legs for a while. After stopping, Xie Yan thought of the spirit of the ancient tree, who often made the young man sit on his shoulder, and the latter would show a happy mood, so he learned to make a similar move.

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