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*Short Mature Content*

Hearing the spirit, who had come close to him, say “yes”, Gu Huai didn’t respond to this. He leaned down to kiss him passively for a while. 

Did he really know? Having doubts about this, Gu Huai looked back at his lover. He could still remember how he taught him in the last world.

His lover in the last world understood that mating was to tangle their tails together, so even if the other answered now that he knew, Gu Huai couldn’t help thinking about whether the other would have any new ideas.

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In fact, Ji lianzun asked Xie Yan the same question two days ago. The latter answered with an expressionless face, but was actually incorrect.

Knowing that the Lord knew only a little about the customs of the human world, and had always been emotionally indifferent, Ji Lianzun went to enquire about it. 

“It is double cultivation.” His tone was very firm. Although there were differences between the two, Ji lianzun chose a word related to cultivation in order to make his master understand to the greatest extent in a short time.

When it came to cultivation, it was natural for Xie Yan to understand his talent. although double cultivation was a range that he had never touched before, it didn’t affect his learning in a short time.

“Two days ago, I studied Kung Fu.” Xie Yan pressed down the boy who sat beside the bed.

There was no mistake in doing what was described in the double cultivation scroll.

So in this current position, Xie Yan lowered his head.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Gu Huai was stupefied, but the licking and kissing on the side of his neck made him slightly tense. When he nibbled towards the position of his Adam’s apple, Gu Huai could not help moaning in a low voice, “Hnn”.

Wrong? Hearing the young man’s low groaning, Xie Yan stopped licking and biting and went back to pecking the young man’s lips.

Though he was doing something related to desire, he still showed simplicity in his cold and beautiful face at this time, and the action of pecking at the young lips was also very simple. 

“Chirp.” He didn’t know which step he did wrong, Xie Yan hesitated, so he didn’t take the next step.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr j gfreia, tf ralii ralii vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv atja Wlf Tjc kjr bynlberis oeii bo mjgfoeicfrr jcv gfragjlca. Xe Lejl rtbkfv j tfiqifrr fzqgfrrlbc. Ca ifjra atlr alwf, atf batfg xcfk ab vb rbwf gfrfjgmt lc jvnjcmf.

“Pa’r cba atja sbe tjnf raevlfv atf rxliir kfii.” Pa tjv yffc uefrrfv atja wbra bo atlr rxlii gfofggfv ab vbeyif meialnjalbc. Xe Lejl aegcfv tlr tfjv klat j mbeut jcv rjlv lc j ibk nblmf: “P’w rbggs Aera xffq ublcu. “

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