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“Chirp.” His fur was licked, and his golden pupils dilated slightly.

It was itchy, but it felt comfortable. After relaxing, Gu Huai endured itching and remained in his current huddled position, letting Alvis lick his fur and caress him with his tail and silver wings. 

More than a patch of fur was raised on the black cub, seeing these disobedient fur, Alves continued with the same movements as before, stretching out his tongue and licking them one by one.

The cub, continuously licked and combed, gradually squinted its eyes into a state of comfort and enjoyment.

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They could see that the round golden vertical pupils eventually squinted, looking at how their cub king and their leader were rubbing together and their King’s fur was being groomed, the eyes of the guards lighted up.

Their attitudes were several times more attentive than when they were executing orders from their superiors. There was nothing that made them stare son intensively. 

The Tak Zerg, carrying the two cubs on its shoulders, had become extremely cautious in its walking posture, occasionally hissing, it’s scarlet pupils at this point could not help but show a very standard parental gesture of caring for the cubs.

Although in fact, according to the normal concept of the Zergs, they treated their cubs in the mode of stocking, the protective instincts did not exist.

But the cub was its king, which was quite different, all the Zergs on Tuther now simply wanted to take care of their cub king all the time. After all, their king was not very good at walking in this form, what if he accidentally fell or bumped into something?

After witnessing the youth dismantling a steel warship in twos and threes like toys, these big Zerg parents still took it for granted that they continued to maintain the idea that their king needed protection.

What was wrong with being able to dismantle warships with bare hands? Their king would still be hurt if he fell down on the ground or an unstable road.

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With this idea in mind, a communication from the Chief of Staff was sent out, now in the private residence of the former master of the planet, the tile floor of the active area was covered with several layers of velvet blankets, and the courtyard was rearranged, so that they could safely let their king move freely in the residence.

Bending down and putting the two plush cubs on the ground, the huge Tak Zerg slightly moved its forearm like a serrated blade, making a low hiss and whine. Even without facial expression, it was clear that the Tak Zerg was reluctant to part with him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It took several days for the goblins to arrive at Tuther, the Chief of Staff received a briefing from the branch forces. 

“Ktf oiffa rfca ab jrrlra atf ubyilcr lc vfragbslcu atf Ufcc Swqlgf tjr mbwqifafv atflg wlrrlbc jcv klii yf jyif ab gfaegc ab Keatfg lc akb vjsr.” Ktf tjio xcffilcu ybvs kjr ralii abb tlut. Ktf Jtlfo bo Vajoo ibbxfv vbkc ja atf yijmx mey klat gbecv ubivfc qeqlir lc ogbca bo tlw, tf yjgfis xfqa tlr cbgwji fzqgfrrlbc ktlif gfqbgalcu atf lcobgwjalbc.

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