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This tattoo shop was also a little famous in Yujing. Usually, there were many tourists. After the tattoo, the tattooed customers could see the finished products.

“Brother Zhao, are you serious? Otherwise, I would recommend one for you. What do you think of the design of the green dragon and white tiger? It’s a new design. The shop hasn’t shown other customers yet. ” The owner of the tattoo shop rubbed his hands and looked at the tall man who was more than 1.9 meters tall in front of him. He kept his smile on his face. 

What green dragon and white tiger, Zhao Xun frowned. His fierce face looked even worse under this expression. He waved his hands in disgust. “Just as I just said, just a duck or a rabbit. It must not be scary to look at.”

This green dragon and white tiger looked more fierce than the tiger’s head, which was tattooed before. It must not be tattooed.

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At this time, several other people in the same group also thought about it. Liu Cheng suddenly said, “what kind of cartoons do children like now?

“SpongeBob”, Another black suit added beside Liu Cheng. 

“Oh yes, SpongeBob, Zhao, you might as well get that tattoo”. The other said before that the tiger head on the back of his hand was too fierce to frighten his young master. Liu Cheng thought that it would be better to change the tattoo to the young master’s favorite things.

Zhao Xun thought about it, and thought it was feasible, but when he was going to talk about it to the shopkeeper, the latter frantically spoke.

“Don’t, don’t, brother Zhao, I’ll tattoo a rabbit for you. The rabbit looks good… It’s absolutely not scary. ” This conversation couldn’t be heard.

The tattoo shop owner, who was in his twenties, started to talk first, and the smile on his face was more strained than before.

The owner himself was the best tattoo artist in this tattoo shop. He tattooed a rabbit on the hand of a tall, strong and fierce looking man. After the tattoo, the owner of the tattoo shop felt that it was not right. Especially when other tattoos had not been cleaned, it was more complicated in comparison.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It would take at least one month for the tattoo to heal. Now in front of the shopkeeper, there was a big black suit. On the back of his right hand was a fierce tiger head, but on the back of his left hand was a nest of rabbits. The other seemed to be quite satisfied with this. The owner of the tattoo shop had to keep silent.

“At this time, in Fujing, a province away, Shen Sui, who was in kindergarten like his Ah Huai, lived quite independently, which was quite different from Gu Huai, who was surrounded by groups of children.

Shen Sui, who sat on his desk was quietly holding a cat doll. No matter whether it was quiet or noisy around, the taut face of the young child was expressionless and had no interest in the ongoing activities. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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