The reason he was stunned was that Gu Huai realized that he had seen the plush creature in the memory image provided by Alger.
“Chirp.” While the young man was still stunned, the cub dragged its silver tail closer to the young man, and after approaching a certain distance, it jumped into the young man’s arms.
His joy of being held could be seen by the movement of his tail, the round cub raised his head again and looked at the young zerg who wanted to see his trademark golden pupils.
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At this time, Gu Huai touched the silver tail with his finger, as soon as his finger touched it, the tail eagerly wrapped around it.
Compared to his form, his silver tail was not too long. It was impossible to encircle the waist of young zerg, it was still possible to encircle his finger and wrist.
The tail was the first part of the body to shed the villus and complete the advanced metamorphosis. In his cub form, Alves could not control his tail freely, but his tail was touched by the youth, his instinct was to encircle those fingers.
After being trapped by his tail, Gu Huai did not move, instead he reached out his other hand that could move freely and rubbed the cub gently on his back.
Furry, soft… It felt very good.
After all, Gu Huai hadn’t been able to figure out what the other’s situation was.
“Chirp.” Being rubbed, the Zerg cub raised its eyes and continued chirping at the young zerg.
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There was no doubt that there was a great difference between the simulation of his adult and cub form. Hearing the crisp and soft chirp now, and recalling the other’s previous chirp in his human form, Gu Huai suddenly felt a subtle feeling that he couldn’t describe.
Holding the cub away his chest a bit, Gu Huai asked, “How did you become like this?”
Waking up, Gu Huai felt that there were many different changes, his perception ability was a little bit better than before… He could clearly perceive that the Zerg cub in front of him was as strong as his adult form.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
After asking the question, Gu Huai established a spiritual link to make it easier for the other to understand him.
Ciatbeut tf mbeiv ecvfgrajcv atf sbecu hfgu’r defralbcr, Cinfr, ktb tjv erfv tlr jylilas ab mtjcuf tlwrfio yjmx ab j mey, mbeiv cba jcrkfg.
Cr rbbc jr atf sbecu wjc gfagjmafv tlr tjcv, atf qiert-ibbxlcu mey mgjrtfv lcab atf sbecu hfgu’r jgwr jujlc. Ktf ragemaegf bc tlr yjmx, ilxf rwjii vgjubc klcur, rqgfjv bea bc ybat rlvfr bo tlr yjmx, agfwyifv rilutais jcv tf ‘mtlgqfv’.
Gu Huai: “…”
It seemed that it did not want to be pushed aside. Gu Huai suddenly realized this and he felt that the chirp he just heard was much sadder. The zerg was a cub right now. Gu Huai’s heart felt a little guilty.
RandomIn the King's game, the [King]'s order is absolute and has the power to create rules. As the owner of a special physique, Gu Huai was selected by the system to participate in the game. "Win the game and become the [King], and you can obtain whatever...