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This time, it was extremely dangerous, but it ended the invasion very quickly under special conditions. The clean up would be done by the goblins. After only half a day or so, they had repaired almost all the facilities and sites damaged in the short battle.

During the half day period, Mino Star looked calm again, but in fact it wasn’t calm at all. For this incident, the Goblin Governor of the Suttasha Empire apologized to all the alien races affected by the incident on Mino Star, not only verbally, but also substantially. 

For the Zergs, after public discussion, the goblins decided to give the last treasure of the Sieser auction as a gift of thanks, and they would establish a firm alliance with the Zergs.

The so called alliance and the friendship initially established before were two distinct things. The former represented that the goblins would stand on the same front with the Zergs in the future and would advance and retreat together.

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Whatever the process may be, as a result, the Zergs undoubtedly helped the goblins to keep their capital star. It was an immeasurable debt, and it was not surprising that the goblins would make this decision for the people of all races.

As a result of the attack, the Sieser auction was forced to be terminated when it reached the final stage. Now, after a public discussion with all the participants, it was unanimously decided that the final auction item, would be delivered to the Zergs. 

If the Zerg fleet hadn’t responded in time, few people would have survived in the auction hall. Even if they were interested in the treasure, all races who participated in the auction could not say no at this time.

But this treasure, which almost everyone was interested in, was not so rare for the Zergs. It was not a sphere that could be used as a toy for their king. During the youth’s sleep, the high level Zergs who accepted the auction did not fluctuate in the slightest. They took it without any expression and handed it over first, to their Leader.

Mino Star was the first trading planet in the intergalactic rankings. This big event, even if solved quickly, would not affect the rapid spread of this event on the satellite network. Now it had become the headline news among the stars.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If the various intergalactic races had not been watching the change of the Zergs before, after this event, the whole intergalactic evaluation and impression of the Zergs had indeed changed a lot.

“Dbrr, kts vbc’a kf rabq ys jcv yglcu Ufcc’r cfra?” Yearlvf atf vbbg bo atf sbeat’r yfvgbbw, Cipfg jrxfv tlr ifjvfg klat j rfglber jaalaevf.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktlr kjr cba gfjiis j pbxf. Ktf wjlc obgmfr bo atf Ufcc Swqlgf tjv yffc vfragbsfv lc atf jaajmx. Ktf Ifgur tjv cba gfifjrfv jcs tbralif kjgrtlqr. Ktf Ufcc Swqlgf, yelia ys atf wlcbglas ubyilcr rfqjgjafv ogbw atf Veaajrtj Swqlgf, kjr cbk jiwbra fwqas rtfii.

The empty shells were easy to destroy. After the collapse of the main army, the planets occupied by the Penn Empire were basically no longer defensive. It was not difficult to carry one of them out now.

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