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The escape failed, and they almost abducted the Zerg King during the escape. It was reasonable to say that after being captured, they would be killed or tortured, but the two humans found that they had not suffered severe punishment, but also enjoyed a little comfort. 

But the range of activities were wider than before, and their living environment was better.

The second was that there was a metal tracking and monitoring device, and there was almost 24/7 surveillance.

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In these strange calm days, they had recognized the fact that the Zergs had indeed ended their division.

Originally, any Zerg Legion had to wait for the acceptance of the other Legions. Now that the four were united, it really gave them a headache thinking about it, but their hearts could not afford to be too upset. 

Probably because the black-haired zerg who was almost abducted by them looked so mild and harmless… Well, the youth was sitting opposite them right now.

“…” When summoned to this mansion with various defensive devices, the humans were sitting stiffly, they did not dare move around.

At this time, sitting next to the young zerg was the owner of the planet, while the others were the Legion leaders, and behind them was the chief of staff of the planet. In addition, behind their seats were a group of Tak Zergs who seemed very angry with them.

No other human had the privilege of experiencing such a magnificent scene except them.

Although they did not attack the two humans because they followed the will of their young king, the Tak Zergs still chose to surround the two humans behind them, gazing vigilantly and hissing from time to time. Without too much wisdom, the low-level Zerg were very persistent in what they had witnessed, so the Tak Zergs still had a grudge about what happened before.

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“Catch.” The expression on Gu Huai’s face was very calm when he threw the glass ball on to the human general with blond hair and blue eyes.

He was also a well-trained soldier. Catching the ball was a piece of cake for Hammer, but his blue eyes were full of question marks after he caught the thrown energy crystal.

It was not as simple as catching a glass ball. It was catching a class A planet ah. 

Looking at the Tak Zerg behind the two humans, Gu Huai opened his hand, with his eyes bent slightly.

“Well, now you throw it back.”

At present, the situation was really confusing, but he said what should be done, the awareness of two human officers still existed, anyway, as long as it was not related to the state secrets.

Instead of the young zerg catching it, the silver-haired Zerg sitting next to him coldly caught it, and then put the energy crystal back into the hands of the young king. 

When this process was completed, the two humans who were sitting stiffly suddenly noticed that the gaze behind them was fading away, and that the Zergs were no longer surrounded by them, but were collectively guarding the young zerg sitting opposite them.

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