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First of all, they could be sure that the two people sitting in the front of them knew each other, and it seemed that their friendship was quite good. They could feel the different atmosphere. Chu Xin and Shaoyang in the back row were getting more and more numb.

ChuChu, He was calling their boss.

The first time they heard it, they doubted themselves. But when they heard it for the second, third and fourth time, they couldn't deceive theirselves, especially when their boss! Actually answered the voice-!

Such a cute nickname was given to their eldest brother. The two brothers, who were familiar with each other, were full of horror at this time. It would take them some time to digest the fact.

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"Not angry?" Letting go of the wrist being held, Gu Huai asked.

"Not angry." Shen Sui shook his head, his face was slightly sideways, and his facial features looked particularly striking at this angle. "I won't be angry with Ah Huai."

It seemed that in order to increase the credibility of this speech, Shen Sui chirped to the teenager next to him in a low voice.

No, they couldn't digest this fact. Then they heard the boss, with his face expressionless, making a single tone full of impact, and the two people's faces in the back row immediately changed. This was not a bad friendship. It could make their boss take the initiative to do this.

Thinking for a while, Chu Xin suddenly got a flash of inspiration and thought of the thing he had just said to people not long ago, so he put his elbow on his desk mate again and lowered his voice, "Shaoyang, do you remember the message I said i saw yesterday. Do you think it's possible that the target of the boss's message is the new student who transferred from school."*

"Oh! You mean the one who dumped our boss and let him fall into a state of depression and grumpiness", with a big body and a loud voice, Shaoyang even learned to keep his voice down like his desk mate, but his volume was more than enough for people nearby to hear.

"... Do you dare to speak louder?" With his teeth clenched, Chu Xin dared not look up to see his eldest brother's expression.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jilted, lovelorn? Gu Huai almost understood from the words he heard. He couldn't help laughing for a while.

The eldest brother of Shaoyang's family looked at him coldly.

After receiving the glare, Shaoyang cleverly shifted the topic. "Eldest brother, this is your friend from Yujing. Then he will be our friend. Don't you think it's time to introduce him to us? "

"Chuxin, Shaoyang", Shen Sui simply knew the names of the two people at the back, but when he introduced them to his new desk mate, his sentences were much more detailed: "My Ah Huai."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

To express a closer relationship, Shen Sui could only find the word 'My' at present.

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