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When he washed and changed his clothes in the cubicle, Gu Huai saw in the mirror that his ears were a little red. He reached out and pinched them, he placed the white rose-like flower in his hands into a glass with water, then he put the glass on the windowsill.

Looking at the flower, Gu Huai thought about how carefully the Silver-haired Zerg held the flower branch, and slowly put it in front of him, because he mentioned it. 

The Zerg’s hand could be used as a ruthless killing weapon, but the picture of him carefully holding the slender flower branches was hard to imagine. It was like two kinds of extremely incompatible items suddenly mingled together, giving birth to an incredible tenderness under the ferocity and brutality.

If this scene was seen by the people of other races, they would probably be too stunned to function.

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When the heat on his ears subsided, Gu Huai touched his neck, the marks on the top of his neck were not obvious and would be gone soon.

Whether it was the flower delivery or the cub that jumped into his arms before, Gu Huai had clearly realized the feeling of being pleased by the Silver-haired Zerg, as well as the kissing and licking. 

In the Zergs clan, kissing and licking were of special significance.

The reason for this was that the Zergs sometimes licked the villi of another cub and combed the hair of the cub. Of course, it was only for those they liked and wanted to be close to.

In adulthood, kissing and licking was still an important way for the Zergs to express their preference for their loved ones. So even if he was licked on the neck, what Gu Huai knew the actions of the Silver-haired Zerg was not desire, but the other was expressing its love to him.

This was not a clever way of expression, on the contrary, it was the simplest and most direct one. But in this way, it made Gu Huai feel like he had been poked in his heart.

“My dear system.” Before leaving the cubicle, Gu Huai called the system in his consciousness.

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“Yes.” Without interfering with the way the host cleared the levels, the system that was basically watching on the sidelines made its presence known.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I think I might be in a relationship.” As he said this, Gu Huai raised his hand and scratched his cheek. Although it was possible to say that, but the fact that he took the initiative to say this sentence, in fact, had shown his acceptance.

Ktf rsrafw rffwfv ab yf rlifca obg j ibcu alwf. Pa abbx rfnfgji rfmbcvr ab gfrqbcv jcv klat j oija nblmf la gfrqbcvfv, “P jw tjqqs obg sbe.” 

Obbxlcu ja atf mifjgjcmf ifnfi, Xe Lejl bqfcfv tlr wbeat jcv jrxfv, “Gb sbe atlcx atja joafg yfmbwlcu j xlcu, P mjc ufa jcsatlcu P kjca, lcmievlcu ublcu yjmx ab atf olgra kbgiv P’nf fzqfglfcmfv?”

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