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The Yula warship passed freely within the planet’s alert range, directly ignoring the various probes and defense systems deployed by the planet with its outstanding concealment capability.

It could be said that the inhabitants of this pale blue planet did not know that their planet was almost captured and packed up as a gift. 

The Yula warship took only a few days to return to the Zergs capital territory, the warship was really a high-tech creation that was no less than that of other races.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the concern that the body of young zerg could not withstand continuous transitions, the return time would be much shorter.

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“That was a lot faster than expected.” They could see familiar horizons. A deputy held a black box in his hands and looked very cautious.

The dark box was made of a special metal unique to Tuther Star. It was used to hold rare and precious energy crystals. Now the energy crystal had been removed, what was left inside the black box had turned into milky white powder. 

When they left the abandoned planet, the high-level Zergs did not forget to pack the large white eggshell together and take it away. After all, it was common knowledge that eggshells were good nourishment for newborn cubs.

“This part of the ground powder can be mixed with Pubarno sap, so that the nutritional effect will be better.” When the young man who was eating suddenly turned his eyes to the box in his hand, Alger eagerly explained with a smile.

Pubarno sap could dissolve into the powder without affecting the taste. Some Zergs who cared about their pups did this.

So it was… powdered Milk?

The word “powdered milk” suddenly came to his mind, and Gu Huai’s expression became a bit complicated, but he quickly accepted it.

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During his feeding, the young zerg did not notice a little eggshell crust on his mouth, and the silver-haired zerg who sat next to him, watching the young zerg eat quietly, extended his fingers and gently removed the crusts.

Patiently and carefully.

“Hmm…” A cold finger touched the corner of his lip, it was clear that the other zerg was helping him wipe the crust on his mouth. Gu Huai hesitated thinking about it, then he reached out and rubbed the head of the silver-haired Zerg. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Snfgs alwf tf abemtfv atf tfjv bg ajli bo atf Ifgu, Xe Lejl ofia ilxf tf kjr abemtlcu j ylu mja, yfmjerf atf rlinfg-tjlgfv hfgu lc ogbca bo tlw kbeiv rdelca fnfgs alwf tf abemtfv tlr tjlg, ktlmt mifjgis rtbkfv j tjqqs jcv rjalrolfv ibbx.

Dea fnfgs alwf tf abemtfv la, tf kjr jiwbra lwwfvljafis kgjqqfv ys atf batfg hfgu’r ajli, Xe Lejl kjr cbk jmmerabwfv ab atlr qgbmfrr.

A Yula warship had entered the Tuther star territory, they called a meeting to see whether it looked familiar on the information feedback, and the top zergs on the planet who were holding the important meeting immediately exploded.

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