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The meeting to create an important turning point for the Zerg planet in the new era ended with the black-haired youth sleeping.

After drinking the last portion of eggshell powder mixed with Pubarno tree juice, Gu Huai soon closed his eyes. He leaned over the silver-haired zerg beside him while sleeping. 

The silver-haired Zerg silently adjusted the position of the young zerg in his arms with his tail, and then raised his eyes. “In the future, the restrictions of your activities will be lifted, and you will enjoy the same treatment as Tuther’s second-class citizens.”

After gently wiping the milk stains on the corner of young zerg’s lips with a finger, the silver-haired Zerg added, “The device on your hand can’t be removed.”

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He seemed innocent and harmless, but he was actually the ultimate Boss who fell asleep and left the two humans sitting opposite feeling a little helpless.

This was really the supreme ruler of the Zergs, but the young King was so unprepared and sleeping quietly that they could hardly connect him with the king of the Zerg. 

The youth asked them to use their own eyes to confirm the changes of the Zergs, which they intended to do. Abandoning old prejudices and hostility, they would judge whether the Zergs could become allies on the basis of what they saw with their own eyes.

The atmosphere in the living room changed dramatically when the humans left the mansion. The three Legion leaders sitting next to them all frowned unconsciously as they looked at the silver-haired zerg who was holding the youth in his arms.

By their instincts, all Zergs would submit to

their king with absolute loyalty and awe.

Despite their king’s soft appearance, their awe for the king was directly engraved in their instincts, so no matter how much they liked the young king in front of them, they would never dare to go beyond their bounds and take the initiative to make any intimate behavior. They would only submit to the youth and devote all their loyalty to him.

But the silver-haired zerg who held the youth firmly in his arms with his eyebrow raised slightly was obviously different. His acts of putting his tail on the waist of the youth and holding his hands carefully showed a very obvious desire for possession, like a precious thing he desired.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Pa kjr qgfmlrfis yfmjerf bo atf ifnfi bo atf Ifgu atja atf atgff Ofulbc ifjvfgr kfgf wbgf jkjgf bo atf vloofgfcmf yfakffc tlw jcv atfw, cba bcis atf teuf ujq lc jylilas, yea jirb atf ojma atja atf batfg Ifgu kjr cba lcoiefcmfv ys gjmlji lcralcma ja jii.

Cr fcfwlfr, la kbeiv yf afgglyif. Mbgaecjafis, atf hfgu tjv rjlifv jlwifrris yfobgf, jcv atflg ifulbcr vlv cba cffv ab ojmf remt jc fcfws.

“What’s wrong with it?” Letting the head of the youth in his arms rest on his chest. Alves did not raise his head, nor did he use an interrogative tone. Only his voice spoke this sentence coldly. 

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