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There was a clear difference between the Zerg warships and those used by the other interstellar races. The most significant one was that the Zerg warships were self-aware life forms. They were interstellar monsters that could change shape at will and belonged to the Zerg community, collectively known as the Yula.

In short, they were alive. Other races, of course, relied on science and technology to create ‘smart brains’. But of the two sides, which was stronger and which was weaker, for the time being it was impossible to reach a final conclusion. 

“Boss, boss! I suggest flying towards the Suma Galaxy first.” Immediately after entering the warship command room, Alger called up a virtual panel packed with complex calculations and various kinds of characters.

This was his analysis of the position of the spiritual link’s source. Although it wasn’t possible to get a completely accurate location, it was possible to at least narrow the search range.

But after he finished this sentence, Alger didn’t receive the go ahead from his commander. Instead, the other party just glanced at him, and immediately after, he felt the whole warship shake lightly.

Outside the transparent compartment, a huge empty hollow, which looked like a twisting maelstrom, was forming. This was, in fact, the result of forcibly ripping apart space.

“Not there,” when the portal was fully formed, the silver-haired Zerg sitting in the commander’s chair opened his mouth and vetoed Alger’s suggestion. He knew an even more accurate location. In fact, the breathing sound being transmitted to his mind was still disturbing him.

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The space in front of the warship was torn open, creating an immense rift. Alger looked at this incomparably expansive twisting vortex and momentarily felt his scalp tingle.

Was there any limit to his leader’s ability? Or were all the Zergs of the Alpha class this frightening??

“The King…… is calling you?” Why did his family’s leader suddenly change his mind, and why did he know the exact location of the transmission? Combining the two questions, Alger could only come to such a conclusion. 

“He’s very noisy.” The silver-haired Zerg expressionlessly gave the order for the warship to pass through the portal.

Very noisy? Alger, as the other’s trusted aide, carefully scrutinized his leader’s current mood. Although the other party was suppressing his irritability, it seemed as if…… there weren’t any feelings of impatience. This was different from usual.

Silently keeping this discovery in his heart, Alger disguised the sound of his cough, “Then I will send down the notice first.”

This independent warship carried thousands of Zerg soldiers. In the Zerg army which was known for its swarming tactics, the number of soldiers in this fleet could only be described as pitifully small. Even so, when it came to combat effectiveness, no one would dare to treat their fleet carelessly. 

This was undoubtedly an elite force. Yet now, because of special reason and the army’s increasing instability, they had no choice but to issue a notice □□ raise the soldier’s morale.

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