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"KONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" I almost dropped my phone on hearing the very dulcet and mellifluous voice of my best friend, Kao. I seriously didn't expect this when I picked up his call.

"What the fuck Kao!? Calm down? What's up?" I told Kao while bringing the phone back to my ear.

"GUESSSSS WHAAAAAAAATTTTT!" and here he goes again. This time I was way more than prepared, I distanced my phone exactly 10 cm away from my ear.


"Come on I asked you to guess!! If you guess correctly, I'll buy you your favorite camera."

Okay this deal is interesting. I've always wanted that camera. But I'm not rich and it's kinda damn expensive.

"Umm did you get bit by a dog?" I asked.

"Wtf NO! Try again!"

I closed my eyes, slowly breathing in and out, trying to speed up my neurons so that my brain starts working. I need to get this right. I am not a biology student, however I've always been confident with it. I used to be the top scorer in biology in my high school, but in college, haven't officially studied biology. However sometimes when I hear biology students talking about STUFF, I try and memorise the words to use them for future purposes. Back to speeding up my neurons.....

I concentrated carefully, his voice was high pitched and loud, and had a hint of curiosity and happiness in it, and loads of over hyper excitement.

After a long time, I finally answered.

"Did you get something REALLY GOOD in your meal?"

"Seriously Kong? Think something VERY BIG. This is very important news." He was getting impatient.

"Ah just tell me okay? My neurons are getting tired." I was annoyed. I hated suspense.

"Okay so I......... " He was intentionally creating more suspense, taking his own time to tell me.

"...got.......... " Annoyed.

"...... Into relationship!!!!!!!!"

"WHAAAT!? " I almost fell off the bed. What did he just say? I heard him correctly right?

"Yes Kong! Your best friend finally is in relationship with a very handsome man!"

"Wait wait.... What!? When! HOW??" I was not yet believing this. I mean of course my friend is good looking, but he's VERY picky! He had rejected 7 people as far as I remember and now finally he got his 'PERFECT LOVE'?

"Come to my dorm. I'll tell you everything!"

Without even a second's delay, I put my clothes on and immediately headed to his dorm, taking quick steps.
I can't believe this. I wanted to get in relationship before him. But he betrayed me. I thought he was going to stay single for at least this life... But nope. I have to meet this guy, whoever he----"


Owww....What the fuck! I swear this is gonna be my worst day. I mean my best friend got into relationship with some random guy, and now I bumped into some dickhead's head. I don't have time for this though.

I quickly started heading to my friend's dorm again, but a tight grip on my wrist stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

An extremely ordinary guy, with some extremely Unordinary face was glaring at me. His skin was white, and his eyes were intense. That's all I can notice right now. I don't have time, remember?

"Sorry!" I freed myself from his grip and quickly turned to continue walking, but he was quick enough to grab my wrist again.

"What's your problem?" I met his eyes again, but this time his eyes were curiously scanning me, exactly what I was doing a few seconds back when they were glaring me. Roles reversed haha.

After a few eternities, his eyes were angry again.

"Don't you think when you randomly bump into someone you should be polite enough to pick their stuff up?" He pointed towards his books lying on the floor. Well to be honest I don't mind helping him, but not now. I don't HAVE TIME.

"Umm maybe next time. I'm in a hurry right now." I smiled and started moving, but yet again he didn't just let me go.

"PICK.THEM.UP." He commanded me. He just ordered me? Aish nevermind. I'm a pro at ignoring.

I freed myself again and this time, I nearly ran away from him so that he doesn't grab my hand again.

"You're a Fricking ugly frog!"

I heard his voice behind me. I immediately stopped moving. Now this has got me. Ugly and me? Where the fuck am I ugly? People have always tried to get me, I've gotten 53 proposals in total. But like my friend, I'm quite choosy too. I want my boyfriend to be PERFECTLY PERFECT. But this guy here, dares to call me ugly!? Kao thing can wait. I'mma go and deal with this dickhead first.

Heya people! So I randomly started this story, I am not sure about this😂
But this might be a short story, because I'm not very sure about the plot. If the 'neurons' in my mind speed up, I may write a long one. But for now, cheers!

Ps: Bio students don't get offended of my boy's BIOLOGY!

Peace ✌

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