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Kong's pov

Early morning. I brushed my teeth lazily. Well I am a sleep addict. But today, as I already mentioned 'early morning', I woke up quite early. How? Oh I fell off my bed. Maybe it was a 'oh you're doomed kong' sign from the clouds. I can't even deny, since today is the 'tomorrow' I wished to not come.

Kao had already called me, to ENSURE that I was coming. Pete called me too, to almost make sure that I'm coming. In this whole situation, I think Arthit is the only person who can understand me. I hate to admit it, but yeah, we think alike.

I started packing my stuff, cross checking with the list Kao has sent me, because I keep forgetting my stuff. Sometimes my charger, sometimes toothbrush, and yeah,  once my boxers too. Let's not talk about that.

I made sure to keep the book which I issued from library, since it's my only way to survive.

When I was almostttt done with my packing, I heard a knock on my door. Maybe they are here. I opened my door, finding only Arthit, greeting me with a middle finger this time. I greeted him back being equally friendly.

"Where are others?" I asked, secretly hoping  exactly opposite to the answer he was going to give.

"They sent me to pick you up, UNWILLINGLY." He replied making his way to my room. I didn't even have to do the 'oh so friendly welcome' to the guest. Ill-mannered bastard.

"I know you won't take anything, still asking, Coffee?" I asked him completing my last formality left.

"Only if you don't poison me." He replied.

"Uh oh... Then maybe not." Obviously I'm not gonna give him the tasty coffee made by my skills. If not poison, he will definitely get a good food poisoning from me.

I noticed he was not looking at me anymore, he was examining my room? I followed his eyesight to find that he was looking at my bag, which was still unzipped. I quickly zipped it hiding the book under my clothes.

"What book was that?" He asked.

"Mind your own business!" I spat.

"Do you read too!?" He asked again.

"Argh yes I do." I was getting annoyed by his questions. Can't he just keep quiet and mind his own fricking business!?

"Oh. That's sad. You're still dumb."

Wait did he just- wtf. I'm done with him.  I can't let him stay anymore. I quickly grabbed all my things.

"Let's go."


The journey was very quiet. I could hear only air blowing in my ear. Suddenly he started singing a very random song, totally OFF NOTE.

"Dude stop you're sounding like a frog."

"Aaannnndddd I caaaaaannttttt.... "

"Argh seriously stop! You'll scare the shit out of steering wheel!"

".... helppppp faaaalllinggg innn"

"Maybe world was more peacefuk without you."

"loveeeeeeee with youuuuuuu....."

He started singing weird opera notes, highly injurious to health. My ears were about to bleed. I switched on the radio to stop him, which he did.

Soon we reached Kao's house and all four of us headed to the camp destination.  We didn't want to go in the bus with other students.

The venue was beautiful. Small wooden cabins with single rooms were made in between the trees making it just more pleasing. I took a quick tour of the place before we were called by the professor who was made our camp captain.

"Okay boys! Come on choose your rooms."

I was somewhere in the crowd of boys lost, when I finally spotted Kao registering our names. Staying with Kao is really difficult,especially handling his snores at night, but I'm used to it now.

I moved out of the crowd, searching for Pete.

"Hey there kongy!"

Someone called out, and I could feel my ears heat up when I hears that nickname. What the Floccinaucinihilipilification!?

I turned to him to find all three of them standing together waiting for me. Aish.

"Hey where were you?" Pete asked me.

"Oh I got stuck in that crowd. Never mind, which cabin did we get Kao?" I turned to Kao.

"You and Arthit will be staying next to our cabin."

"Wait What do you mean ME AND HIM?" Arthit spoke up even before I could process what's happening.

"You and Kong will be sharing the same cabin." Kao replied firmly.


Peace ✌

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