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It's been a tiring day. Arthit and I were able to find the way back to cabins, and trust me no one bothered to ask where we were. Not even kao and Pete. They were too busy in making out in every corner of the forest. I wonder why don't they get lost?

Today's activity was weird, and I was paired with the short guy named Gun. Arthit wa paired with some tall guy, I don't know his name though.

"Hey!" Gun greeted me.

"Hi! You are the same person who took Arthit's nonsense for me right? I'm really sorry for that--"

"No that's okay! It keeps happening with me too often. Do you see that tall guy with Arthit there? He took care of me." He pointed shyly to the tall guy. I could bet he had a crush on the guy.

"So.... He likes you back? Or you haven't told him yet?" I asked him.

He looked at me wide eyed.

"Uh... I don't know. I haven't confessed yet." He replied.

"You should do it! You won't get time after this camp!" I tried to encourage him.

"I-I don't know....." He hesitated.

"Okay.... I'll help you in this, because you became the victim of Arthit's plan instead of me that day, so yeah!"

He cheered up a little. I looked at Arthit, who was talking to the tall guy. I messaged him.

"Meet me in the cabin. NOW."

He looked at me confused when he read the message.


I waited for Arthit in the cabin. He was 2 mins 5.6 seconds late. Yeah I had been counting. Finally he came, asking me why I had called him.

"That tall guy you were talking to, what's his name?" I asked him.

"Off? Why asking?" He asked.

"Oh. Just try to know if he has someone he likes, or is he taken or something." I explained to him.

"Why do you ask?" He raised an eye brow.

"Ah just do what I say alright!?"

I could see his expressions getting weird, and hesitation on his face. But he nodded anyway.

After a while, he came back, panting. Seems like he had been running for a long time.

"Has someone he likes." Arthit said panting.

"Really?" I could hear the disappointment in my tone. I felt bad for Gun.

"Why so disappointed? You can look for different options to crush on.'' Arthit seemed a bit..... Angry?

"What? What do you mean?" I looked at him confused.

"See dude, he's not good for you okay? Stay away from him." He explained to me carefully.

"Huh? For me? He's not good? WHAT!?!" I was seriously confused. Is he misunderstanding something? What the heck is he talking about??

"Ah can't you understand!?! You can always go for better options around you! I don't know what you saw in that old guy that you're--"

"I was not asking that for ME!" I cut him off.

"Huh? Then who?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Gun! The guy with me. He likes him. He owes me one, so I'm returning the favour." I explained him the full thing. Did he just sigh in relief? Maybe.

"Okay. Then fine. I guess the one he likes is Gun. He kept looking at your team from time to time. I thought he was looking at you...." He gave me a sheepish smile.

"Uh no dude. If he likes Gun, then we should make them meet alone." I suggested.

"Okay you message Gun to meet you here, and I'll message Off." He took out his phone to message Off.

This is the first time I am doing such a thing. I hope it works out. I know this task isn't Kongly, but that's okay.

I saw Off coming towards our cabin, and I then realised that Arthit and I forgot to get out of the cabin. In order to give them alone time, we had to get out! If we get out now, he'll see us and the plan would be a flop.

I grabbed Arthit and took him inside the very 'small' cupboard to hide with me.

"What the fuck?" Arthit spat.

"Can you keep your annoying mouth closed for some time?? Off is here. He should not see us."

Arthit sighed with me. I don't know why the space on which Arthit and I were supposed to live is getting smaller and smaller every day. When I said I can't survive with him on the same planet, he became my roommate. And when I complained on that, he became my 'cupboard' mate. Thanks life.

Update here......!

Peace ✌

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