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"Fricking stay in your space!" I whispered to Arthit.

"Do you really see any space in here to actually divide your and my 'space'?" He whispered back.

"Shut up they'll hear us." I shushed Arthit and continued to wait for the lovely birds to finish their conversation. They've been saying the same thing again and again for a few mins now.

Gun: What do you like?

Off: I like movies, chicken, camps, blah blah blah blah blaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ah I must be really out of my mind to actually suggest helping in their relationship. I mean I don't do it usually, I find relationships annoying. That's sooo eh cringe.

"Dude I think I'm gonna die in this cupboard." Arthit sighed.

"Isn't it good for me?" I replied.

"Yeah maybe. But me? I always had high expectations when it comes to dying. I thought I'll die under the stars in some beautiful garden or something." He talked idiotically.

"Oh. I can die anywhere but not before you." I could hear him chuckle softly.

"What's the dumbest thing you've ever done? Well except for being dumb." He asked curiously.

"Probably bumping into you." I replied blatantly.

"So you finally accept it was your mistake?" He asked again.

"When did I even say that? It was totally your fault. You were the one who called me ugly!" I argued.

"Dude you didn't pick my books up-"

"It's your books, why do I have to pick them up? Especially when you ordered me rudely?" I cut him off.

"Ah you're being so unreasonable!?" He was irritated and quite agitated.

"So are you!?" So was I.

"Do you know how annoying you were at that time? Or maybe even now?" Arthit was fuming right now. He is short tempered.

"And don't you know how idiotic, nonsense and dumb you are!?" I argued again, raising my voice a little.

He grabbed my collar, and I punched his face. I wanted to punch again but he held my arm and twisted it, making me unable to move it. I tried hard to free myself from his grip, but his body pinned me and I was unable to do it.

In this whole thing, we might have moved the cupboard a bit more than the wind could do it, as the cupboard door opened and we saw shocked and confused faces of Off and Gun.

"Are you having sex in the cupboard?" Off asked looking confused.

"What the fuck! Noooo?!" I replied.

"He doesn't deserve to do it with me." Arthit got up looking at me.

"SAME THOUGHTS! I don't deserve to do it with HIM!" I stressed on 'him' a bit more than necessary.

"Hehe both of them saying same thing but mean differently." Gun said innocently.

"Anyway Off, Gun likes you, he has been trying to tell this to you all this while we were fighting inside the cupboard." I told Off.

Gun looked at me wide eyed, while Off blushed, confirming the answer.

"So I'll head out now." I left the cabin to grab some evening coffee. Ok a horrible day again.

I looked for some coffee to calm down my mind. Didn't get one though.

Are you having sex in the cupboard?

Ah I need to stop thinking about this....

Sex in cupboard? Not bad...... Too suffocating tho.

I asked you to stop neurons!

Oh this time it's your heart! Listen it's pumping so loudly!

Shut up heart! Do you wanna get a piece of me??

Well I'm a piece of you. But Arthit is so....

Not a word about him okay!? He is just an idiot who appeared in my life as a nightmare.

I don't think so.

Just shut up or I will not allow my body to bring back blood to you!


Argh seriously why is this all so weeiiiirddddddddddddd.

I took out my phone and started replying to my messages while I was simultaneously drinking water from the bottle in my other hand, and I reached my cabin.

When I was done drinking water, I threw my phone on the bed and started tapping on the phone again----

Wait.... Did I say I started tapping on my phone?

Did I possibly.....!!!!???

Okay fuck. I'm dumb.

The phone is still in my hand.

I threw the bottle on the bed.

The bed is all wet.

Did I happen to mention Arthit's presence on bed?

Okay.... Here's an update! 😊Enjoy!
peace ✌

Where do You Think You're Going? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now