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Kong's POV
"What do you wanna have then?"


I could feel the heat creeping up my neck--

"-Don't need to know."

The heat crept back down.

"Oh okay."

Did I happen to tell you that sometimes he acts kinda weird? Like right now, he's stealing glances at me again and again, and he feels I don't know anything, but I obviously can feel his little glances.

But the question is, what exactly is he thinking about? Is he gonna trick me into some weird shit again? Or planning something in his mind,which doesn't seem to work?

And did I happen to tell you that I'm damn afraid of dark? No well not exactly of the dark, but maybe the spirits in the dark. People say they don't exist, and I hope it is true, but somehow I always get scared in the dark, especially when I'm all alone.

And I don't think I should tell this to Arthit, because of the obvious reasons.

"So let's go now?" I asked Arthit if we can go back to the cabins.

"Okay so the thing is...." He was hesitating to complete. I raised an eyebrow, motioning him to complete.

"Actually in the process of finding you,I forgot the way back to cabins too." He scratched his head.

Okay this is bad. I knew he was dumb, but I wasn't expecting him to be this dumb. But it was best not to argue at the moment.

So in that case, you come in the dumb category too, Kong.

Shut up neurons! You should be on my side, got that!?

"What should we do now!?" I asked him annoyed.

"Maybe they'll come looking for us? We'll try and search tomorrow morning? It's too dark right now." He suggested.

Well I agree on this point. It'd be idiotic if I go out in the forest in dark. Especially not during the evil hour.

"Okay." I agreed.


"Can't you stop moving!? I can't sleep."

"Why don't you go and sleep somewhere else if you have so much problem."

Okay this was the biggest mistake I had ever made. Unfortunately, I talked to him even more than I should have, and something happened which I feared the most. Yeah, I told him that I'm scared of dark. I'm dumb right?

And now, we are sleeping together on a bed we made on our own, and you don't want to know about it.

This idiot has been moving constantly for like two hours now. I seriously wonder if I can ever sleep peacefully with him.

"Argh you're annoying!" I sighed.

"So are you!"

After a while, he slept, which made me sleep fortunately. But my fortune is very rare. Within the few minutes after I slept, I heard a weird noise. I hesitated to open my eyes, but I still did.

I saw a big figure moving outside the window, like it's dancing in the air.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" I heard Arthit's very caring voice, and realised I had been clutching his shirt this entire time.

"I-...... That...... " I couldn't find words to explain myself. I was way too frightened to even speak. So I quickly pointed towards the window.

Arthit looked at the window, and his expressions changed for a while before becoming normal again.

"It's just a tree Kongy..." He replied carefully patting my head.

I should be annoyed at this right? But somehow I felt comforted.

"T-the voice?" I inquired.

"It must be the wind. Don't worry I'm here."

He lightly hugged me, and to my surprise, I hugged him back. Maybe I was just too scared to lose my senses. But after that, one thing continuously repeated in my head.

He may have become a little bearable to me tonight.


Peace ✌

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