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"Make out with me."

For exactly 37 seconds, he said nothing. Just stared at me. I was starting to regret what I said. Maybe I was too direct? Ah I don't know. Right now, I'm just concerned about what's he gonna do next? Will he do it? Will he not?

He sat back down, and said, " I'll pass."

Okay I obviously didn't expect him to do it, but that gave me a set back. Like a real disappointment. I don't know..... He could have done that with Jay, but not me? WHY!? Ah I should be happy that he lost, and things are even now, but still there's a teeny weeny disappointment.

"So Arthit? You wanna give him his punishment right now? Or save it for later like him?" Professor asked.

"I'll save it Professor.." I said while looking at Kong, who refused to meet my gaze.

After we came back to our room, the air was silent. So were we. Kong avoided initiating the arguments he usually does. To ease up the tension a little, I started singing random songs.

You can keep me,
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans....

"Okay stop with that song. I don't like it." Kong said irritatedly.

"What's going on Kongy?" I asked him, going a little closer to the other edge of the room where he was standing.

"Don't call me that." He spat. I felt weird. And it hurt.

"Why are you behaving like this!?" I asked him.

"Behaving like what? I guess I'm me right now." Kong replied, without looking at me.

"Can we sort it out? Whatever is it?" I almost pleaded.

"Why should I do it with people like YOU?" He still wasn't looking at me.

"Okay I only am concentrating on 'people LIKE me' right now." I smirked at him.

As soon as he looked up, I realised the proximity between us, which made him walk back a little. He might have not noticed me coming towards him.

"I-I don't know?" He stuttered, distracted a little when his back hit the wall.

"What part of this do you not know?" I said in a deep voice, our faces only inches away.

"T-that why did Noldomert kill H-harry....." Ok he was being way too cute.

"Ahhan? Seems like you're damn interested in Harry Potter?" I said in almost husky voice, while trying to meet his gaze when he was looking down.

"Y-yes? No." I can tell you he is more than flustered right now.

"Are you perhaps interested in me? If I keep in account your jealousy from earlier?" His eyes widened in shock. I had this small intuition that he may be jealous, which I wanted to be true. Hence I was confirming right now maybe, and his eyes did the right job.

"W-what jealousy? Intersted? Noooo wayyy..... Me and y-you can't happ--"

I cut him off by abruptly kissing him. I didn't want him to  complete that. I grabbed his waist firmly, and pushed him lightly against the wall. He was totally confused and tried pushing me.

I looked straight into his eyes and said, "That's my punishment for you Kongpob. Let me kiss you. Just this once."

I hesitantly cupped his cheeks and put my lips on his again. Slowly, seductively biting his lower lips, asking for permission. I was ready to break my nose as I know there'd be a punch coming flying to me anytime.

But to my surpise, he gave me the access to explore his mouth. I opened my eyes to find his eyes shut tightly, while he clutched my shirt on the shoulder tightly, can't really say intentionally.

After a few racing heartbeats, Kong started kissing me back slowly. I was caught off guard by his response, which gave me the confidence to kiss him further down his neck to his collarbone, partially peeking out of his clothes. I traced my tongue on his skin, earning a very musical moan from him.

I moved my hands under his waist, feeling his torso. I did not want to stop. I kept sucking, biting the crook of his neck until I marked him mine. Yes. I liked Kongpob. I might have even thought about it earlier. But never admitted it.
But after this, will he talk to me anymore? What if he punishes me to stop talking to him? This all, is just a punishment after all. He's just tolerating me.

I slowly pulled away, giving him a last peck.

"It was just a kiss I asked for...... I wish it was more." I mumbled under my breath as I started walking away.

Just then, I felt strong grip on my hand. I looked at Kong, who was looking down at my hand, confused.

"I've thought my punishment for you." He looked up into my eyes, making me worry.

"W-what is it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Don't stop."


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