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Kong's POV

I woke up with my butt on floor. I may have fell  off the bed in between. My head was throbbing. I got drunk last night...... Why can't I remember anything!?

"Morning babe." Arthit called out from the other end of the room.

"Fuck off Arthit."

I needed to remember what did I do last night. Did I..... do something with Arthit.... No no that can't happen. What did I do?

"Ah don't you remember anything? You agreed to be my boyfriend yesterday." Arthit smirked.

Then the visuals clicked me.


Give me everything back.

Make me virgin again.

The kiss.



Did I really do that all shit!?

"See Arthit I was drunk and I didn't mean --" I wanted to clear it all with Arthit, but I was cut off by him.

"Hey you can't back off now.... Or I will kidnap you! You gave me permission yourself."

I sighed heavily. This is a heavy mess! What in the world did I do! Heck I-I am not even clear if I like him.....

Am I not?

"You like me, Kong. I know it." Arthit said like he just read my mind.

"I-I..... Y-you.... What!?"

I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I don't know what is that feeling I was feeling for him. Love, was just a word to me. I needed to be loved. But I don't know what it means.

"Just give us a chance Kongy, I know you like me. Just don't give up before we even start. I'll never force you to be with me. But give us a chance, give me a chance, willingly. " Arthit almost pleaded to me.

In the afternoon, we'd go back from this trip. We'd go back to our own worlds. Maybe we will keep colliding in college, but deep down I know he is gonna affect me.


"Okay?" Arthit raised an eye brow.

"Yeah okay. Nothing else." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh okay."

"Yeah okay."

What the fuck? Are relationships this awkward!? I miss my singlehood.

"I had a question by the way." Arthit turned to me after suddenly remembering something.

"Yeah? What?" I asked him confused.

"Two actually."


"Who's Mickey?" Arthit asked me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Did I mention him? He was my dog. He was like my best friend, but he died two years back." I sighed.

"Oh I'm sorry...." Arthit tried to reach me but I moved a little back, making him unable to do so.

"Oookayyy so next question, how did you...... Know my nickname?" Arthit asked hesitantly.

"Oh that....... I've known it for a while." I answered, to which he raised his eyebrow, demanding for details.

"After that game we played the first night, questions one, I was curious. So I asked Pete that day later. He told me, but asked me to keep a secret because you hate your nickname?" I explained.

"So you knew my nickname, when you asked it the other day in the truth and dare game?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah I knew." I replied.

To be honest, when Pete told me Arthit hated his nickname, I was curious why. It seemed a good name, and I personally kinda liked it. Ai Oon. I wanted to know why did he get disturbed every time his nickname was mentioned. I wanted to know why he hated it so much.

"So why do you hate your nickname?" I took my chances, asked him.

"Not anymore." He grinned. He is an idiot.

"So.... Can I call you Oon then?" I asked him cheekily.

"No way." He laughed with me, out loud. It felt like ages since I've laughed this much.

"So how are we gonna work this out, this relationship?" I asked him.

"Uh maybe give me a good morning kiss, let me hug you every time we meet, hold hands all the time, and a goodbye kiss. This all works." He shrugged.

"None of this is happening." I spat.

"Huh?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"There are some rules to be in relationship with me.
1. No unnecessary touching or hugging or holding hands or kissing-"

"What!? But that's NECESSARY!" He almost shouted, but I remained adamant.

"2. No calling babe or darling or whatever. I don't like it."

"Ok done...." He agreed hesitantly.

"3. We can't come out right now. I don't want our relationship to be revealed yet. So....."


"So we're gonna act like we still hate each other." I shrugged.


Aish drama queen Kongy

Peace ✌

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