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Kong's PoV

Nights with Arthit = no sleeping at all.

I might have said this every night I slept with him. The first night, we were busy troubling each other, so that the other doesn't sleep. The second night, I got lost and we had to spend the night in a very uncomfortable place, making my back sore. And yesterday night.... You know it all.

We couldn't get much sleep as we had to wake up early for the activities. Today, well was our last day in the camp. I had decided in the morning to avoid confronting Arthit. What if he misunderstands the situation?? See it was just hormonal unsatisfaction that's it!

Earlier when he tried to reach me while we were taking our breakfast, I ran away with Kao to the other table.

Arthit was behaving weirdly in the morning, after we woke up. Did he always flirt that much or am I interpreting it correctly? Heck it's annoying how my stupid hormones react to every cheesy and disgusting line he says.

"Hey KONGGGGGGGGGG!!!!" I heard the usual irritating voice of Kao.

"What?" I turned to him, coming out of my reveries.

"I fought with Pete." I could feel his sad tone.

"Why? What happened?" I asked curiously, for the first time, so that my mind can be free from Arthit.

"Um okay so..... You know yesterday at night, we were having our PERSONAL time, and just when we were going to do it, we were out of condoms......"

I swear the whole embarrassment I had been hiding in my heart came creeping to my cheeks.

"...... Pete was lying to cover it up, that he is sure there was a condom still left and he had counted the nights, but I got upset and went away." He sighed heavily.

Okay this is very bad. We didn't think what would they think if they found out they are out of condoms. What should I do now? Cover up? Bah I don't know.

"Say something???" Kao interfered.

"See....... I-I think there's a mistake, and you don't have to worry much about it.... Yeah! Why do you have to get upset on such a little thing? It was his mistake okay!? And yep, he IS lying about the condom, but that's okay? He would be embarrassed to tell his wife that he is bad at math. So just calm down and patch up again." I sighed after giving hima long lecture.

"Wow Kong! You're unusually blabbering! I'll go and make up with him!" With this, he left.

"Avoiding me Kongy?" Arthit smirked while steping towards me.

"Me? Why would I avoid you? I'm not afraid of you?" I spoke looking down, refusing to meet his beautiful brown eyes.

Ugly brown eyes.

"Maybe flustered?" He tried to meet my eyes, but I looked the other way.

"Fuck off!"

"With you? Gladly."

Fucking hell. I quickly started heading to a place, any place where I can't find him. This whole biology thing is annoying. Had I known the consequences of the previous night, I would have never wasted my punishment on it.


We were asked to prepare for the night celebration. Professor had said that it was our last day, and our activity is to decorate the whole place, so that we can party and chill at night. I was standing on a tall ladder, decorating the tree near our cabin.

Suddenly I felt the ladder moving.

Maybe it was my imagination? I continued to work before I felt it again. I looked down to confirm that there's no one messing with my ladder.

There was no one near the foot of ladder, but I could definitely see two additional shoes standing just behind me on the ladder, and I'm pretty sure that it belongs to--

"Hey sexy.."


"What the fuck are you doing here Arthit?" I gritted my teeth.

"What? I'm just here to accompany you babe..." He whispered that word intentionally in my ear, placing one hand on my waist, making me shiver internally.

"This is no joke Arthit! We can fall!" I snapped.

"We'll not if you stay still and stop moving like a monkey. Also, this is the only place where you won't run away." He replied a bit angrily.

"Fine. Speak."

"See Kong, whatever happened last night, we both know we wanted it. And like.... These days, I feel weirdly about you. Argh long story short, I really like you." He confessed looking directly into my eyes.

This is something I can't believe. My arch nemesis is confessing to me? Is this even valid? And what should I do now? Should I deny him? I can't deny the fact about feeling weirdly about him, but I think I'm pretty sure I don't like him. I can't like him. We can't survive in the same world remember!?

"You there Kongy?" He asked, trying to gain my attention.

I looked at him, finally sighing internally.

"I can't......."

I can already feel a pang in my chest, I couldn't even complete the sentence. He loosened his grip on my waist slowly, and gave me a sad smile.

"Okay. I understand."

With this, he got down, leaving a whole storm inside me.

I don't know what to sayyyyy!😖😖
Why wouldn't Kong accept his feelings?!



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