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Kong's POV

I swear the most awkward, most horrying, most dreadful, most baffling and most confusing moment of my life was when Arthit kissed me. Okay I agree I ruined his toothbrush and did shit, but I don't deserve being kissed from his filthy mouth.

You call that filthy? Damn it was hot....

Shut up. Shut the fuck up neurons! I hated that okay?! It was my fricking first kiss which was stolen by my arch enemy.
Damn why the tips of this book are having reverse affects on me. Fricking unexpected stuff. Did he actually think I'm a frog and will turn into his princess charming or something?

When we met outside at the table for the breakfast, I tried to ignore his presence. Obviously to avoid the awkwardness.... And maybe I didn't want Arthit to tell about it to Kao or Pete.

However our 'destiny' brought us together again in the same team. Though we were searching for the items together,I made sure I was one feet apart from him. I wanted to forget the incident, but at the same time I wanted to get back at him for ruining my first kiss.

Out of nowhere in the silent and peaceful time I was having, his deep voice appeared.

"You're a wizard Kong."

I looked at him, confused.
"I'm a.....what?"

"A wizard." He replied in his deepest voice.

Okay did he hit his head somewhere? Why is he talking nonsense.

"Are you not talking sense or talking nonsense?" I asked him irritatedly.

"Oh don't tell me, Haven't you watched Harry Potter?" He asked surprised by my response.

"Who will watch 7 fricking movies!? I consider it a time waste." I replied blatantly.

"Well that's bad, because I happen to be a Potterhead" He grinned at me.

"Well you happen to be an egghead for me." His grin immediately dropped.

"Well you know, you're not Harry actually. You're more of the Hedwig kind. And your nose is just like Voldy."

Though I seriously don't know what was he talking about, but I could guess he was insulting me. I gave him a blank look, walking further.

"See Kong! There's a jacket there! One of the items we have to find!" Arthit pointed towards a tree.

We grabbed the jacket on the tree and just when Arthit started to walk I stopped him.

"That's it. Let's go back."

"But we have collected just one item?" Arthit was confused.

"Well trust me I'm not very fond of these activities and especially not a fan of spending time with YOU. So let's just save our time and go back, other groups won't be coming till evening. And I don't think this activity matters much." I gave him this long lecture hoping for him to understand.

"NO. I've never lost, in any activity." He said firmly.

"Says the one who came last yesterday." I mocked at him.

He gritted his teeth, and I started moving back to the camps.




"I'm telling you it's left!"

"No dude I'm sure it's right!"

"Your memory can't be trusted Arthit! It's fricking left okay!?"

"Right is always right!"

"See.... We are returning now, so the directions are reversed now. If we came from right, then we have to go left while returning. And if left, then right. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

We've been fighting for a while regarding
which direction is correct to get back to cabins. We didn't realise at all that we went too further in the forest, and instead of paying attention on the route, I was busy maintaining the social distancing with Arthit.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about!" Arthit sighed.

"I'm taking left, you take right, whoever reaches cabin comes back and finds the other person. Deal?" I suggested.

Arthit thought for a while before nodding.

"Don't go too far then." My heart skipped a beat when I heard the concern in his voice.

"I-I should say that because I'll find the cabins." Why the heck am I stuttering??!

We separated our ways, both of us hoping to find the cabin sooner.

Hope both of them will be safe.....
Hedwig was an owl tho in harry Potter
And voldy you can see in the picture below

 Hedwig was an owl tho in harry PotterAnd voldy you can see in the picture below

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Peace ✌

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