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Out of 7 billion weird people in this world, I think Pete is the most perfect guy. Like he's handsome, polite and has great choices. Or maybe I can leave Kao as an exception. He's not really a good choice.... I believe. But nevermind. For Kao, Pete is more than perfect.

Next morning, as usual I went to Kao's dorm to pick him up. Usually, he'd take a few eternities to get ready, but today, things are different. Maybe benefits of being in a relationship.

"Kong we need to reach quickly to the uni." Kao hurried his steps making it difficult for me to keep up.

"Why the heck?  We didn't walk this fast even when we're late." I said annoyingly.

"Pete is waiting for me in the ground."

"But aren't we meeting him and his friend on dinner today?"

I don't understand why the love birds need to meet each other thrice a day. And I bet they talk for about 30 times on call. I mean, come on guy, get your hormones straight! Well he can't do that since he has already bent for Pete.

We reached the ground when I was in the middle of understanding the concept of  'relationships'.

"Hey Pete what's up!" I greeted him politely, though he ignored me because he was too busy in winking at my friend. Damn I feel so left out.

"You should've come earlier, my friend just left." He told me, or maybe Kao, because he was still looking at him and blushing like an idiot.

I intentionally came in between them, facing Pete so that he can't look at my friend anymore.

"I guess we should leave. See ya later."

I dragged Kao to the class, though his heart eyes didn't leave his face yet.

"You know Kong! I met Pete at blah blah blah blah"

I wasn't listening to him. He knew it, still kept going on and on and on. I wanted to concentrate on the lecture for God's sake.
This is what I usually go through. He meets his beloved one for 10 mins and I have to listen to him for two hours. But now, in between the lecture, was not the correct time.

"Mr. Kongpob and Mr. Kao, since you two have so much to discuss about, why don't you go out and enjoy your time on this planet?"

I POLITELY smiled and nodded. I grabbed my things and left. I wanted to back answer, but the old egg is already beyond angry.

"Look what you did." I was annoyed by Kao.

"Wow you're blaming it on me? I think you owe me one for this. See? We don't have to attend his lecture now. We can just easily go and eat, I still have a lot of things to tell you---"

Before he could start his stupid story all over again, I cut him off, "I wanna go to the washroom. Will see ya later.''

I quickly escaped to the washroom. Damn why the heck is he so excited for his relationship!? I mean isn't it just normal to----


Ok this is bad. I was so occupied in Kao that I forgot about this tap. Damn I'm all wet, and people are definitely gonna misunderstand. Argh how am I even going to clean this up.

While I was busy figuring out the solution to this very recent problem, a very familiar Unordinary face smirked at me. Him again.

I swear everything is going wrong with me, since the day he showed up in my life. Why the hell did he have to smirk at me? Wait I can't let him misunderstand this whole situation.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before tapping his shoulder, causing him to turn to me.

"It's. Not. What. You're. Thinking." I thought it'd come out politely, but his face triggers me so much.

"You sure I was thinking about you?" He smirked again. AGAIN.

"Why the hell are you smirking?" I can ignore the deepest shit living on this earth, but idk what annoys me so much about him.

"My wish" And he smirked AGAIN. This is it. I'm losing it.

"You know what, just go on smirking. I mean look at your face! You look so cool with that smirk on your face.... Just so cool that I could even draw it with my left hand."

"Really? Try it then." He smirked again before leaving me, angry.

Argh seriously! Why is he so irritating? I feel bad for people who live with him. Today again, he demonstrated his years of experience of being an idiot.

A random note.....

Thank you for all those who've been commenting on my story, I really get motivated to write by your comments. ❤

Peace ✌

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